Snow White - Stepmom Queen Wanda

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Stepmom Queen Wanda              

by sloanranger

Part 2

My name is Wanda, my looks are good, still I search in town and wood. I'm looking for my dear stepdaughter,  when she's found I'll give no quarter.

She turned against me from the first,  tried to make her father hate me. Her looks to me, have been a curse; my looking glass berates me.

tried to like the little brat, but it's turned into a hassle. I'll soon find out where she's at,  then I can keep the castle.

This fortress runs at quite a loss,  expenses are not much  fun, she's no idea how much things costs,  how much it takes to run.

Food, fuel and workers - gardeners, masons and cooks, to make the servants mind,  you need to have good looks.

I never sought to be a witch, I was unduly forced - before he died, the King and I, should've got divorced.

He loved the child more than me, this could not be allowed; everyone knows two is company and three is such a crowd.

I stand before this mirror with all my witchly glower, determined to detain the lass, and regain my legal power.

(To be continued).

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