Snow White - Bashful's Crush

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Snow White 

by sloanranger 

Part 6

Bashful's Crush

So Dopey, he soon came around, was well before they knew it; back his old self, safe and sound,without a scratch, came through it.

Then who should come right to their door a grown and handsome man - Snow, she blushed and blushed some more, they couldn't understand.

She introduced the woodsman, told how he saved her life; how he'd brought her near their door, that dark and stormy night.

"Are you well, Miss Snow?" he said, "Just thought I would check in.""Why, yes," she said, "the danger's past - but wicked Queen t'was here, again."

"Maybe she is not that wicked," they all turned and stared. "Perhaps her love's afflicted!" T'was Bashful on the stairs.

"What's that you say?" said Doc, "Bashful, you can't mean it." All their little tongues were locked, but Bashful, said: "I've seen it."

"Bashful, don't be silly," Dopey said, "and don't talk crazy." "But Dopey, she's a real nice filly - those meds. make your brain lazy."

"She's really very pretty," Bashful added then and stammered. "Dopey, you can't see it  - you're blind, because you're hammered!"

The dwarfs and Will and Snow, they just looked at one another. No one expected such a show from their shy and smallish brother.

(To be continued).

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