Snow White - The Dwarves

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The Dwarves

by sloanranger

Part 4

Her name's Snow White and one dark night she found our little cottage. A lovely girl, she's come to stay to share our house and pottage.

I am Doc and I'm head dwarf, there are six more, you see; and we have this little house, where Snow can hide for free.

Happy is a real nice guy, nothing gets him down. Grumpy's just the opposite, he's always got a frown.

Sneezy's got the allergies, he sneezes and he coughs; we've not yet figured out what always sets him off.

Bashful's downright shy, he hardly ever speaks. Dopey, he stays mostly high but has the cutest cheeks.

And we think that our friend Sleepy, must take Dopey's meds. 'cause half the time we wake him, he won't get out of bed.

Snow White, she does the housework, she really makes things shine, while we seven work real hard in our diamond mine.

We're on the whole, a good lot, we try and keep her safe, but we work so hard all day and sometimes we are late.

So we've warned this pretty girl not to go about; and for the wicked queen, to keep a sharp lookout!

(To be continued).


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