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I got walking home with Haruhi after Siera and I spoke to each other.  It was quiet as we moved down top our street.  It was comfortable,  but I couldn't stand not knowing what was going on in her head. "Why do you stay at that club? " I started,  getting right to the point. 

She sighed, knowing this would come.  "At first,  I didn't like it.  I was in debt to them so I was forced to join.  Over time,  we grew close.  I learned things about them and we bonded.  Even after I payed off my loan I stayed with them.  Honestly,  there is no place I'd rather be. " her eyes softened,  thinking of her friends.  I couldn't help  but, resent  them even more for having a  close space in her heart.  I couldn't let them rip her away from me.  I stopped.  She stopped too. 

"What wrong? " she asked.  Immediately,  I hugged her. It was silent for a moment as I felt her arms wrap around me to.  "Remember,  you always have a friend in me." I whispered to her.  I felt her smile behind me.  "You're always so dramatic.  Of course,  we'll always be friends!" she laughed at me.  "Any plans because tomorrow is Friday? " I asked,  hoping she would say that she wanted to spend time with me. 

"I was going to take you to our old park,  but Hikaru and Kaoru already asked me to go with them to an amusement park.  I wanted to refuse, but  they already bought me clothes and a  bag. It would be rude if I  refused." she said, guiltily.

Through clenched teeth  I  said, "It's no problem." She hugged me again. "You're the best Onii-chan!" she laughed. My heart swelled when she said that to me. I  ruffled her hair. "No  problem, Brownie." She pouted as we both walked back home. It wouldn't have worked out anyway.

After all, I  have plans with  Siera. Unoticably, I  smirked to myself.


It's the next day.  I  was having some money off the table that  Dad  gave us to buy bento  boxes.  I  swung my book bag  on my back, ready for the next day. "Sis?" I  called out. There was no answer. "Haru?" I  tried again. Nothing.

I  ran upstairs and opened the door. There was no trace of  Haru  at all. "Maybe  she went to school early, while I  slept in." I  reassured myself. I  walked to school, nervously. I  even got there 20 minutes early.

I  went to the host club to find that it was deserted. A  small hand  tapped my  back and I  swung around hoping it would be  Haru. I  only saw  Siera's  friend, looking at me with a  smile. " I'm one of  Haruhi's  customers. He  told me to tell you that she would be back after school  at your  house." she added. "Did she ever tell you, who her captors were?" I  asked. My mind was exploding with  one group. "The host club." she smiled, finishing her message.

"That's what I  thought." I  said, I  was about to walk away realizing that  if Haru  was here, she would scold me for being rude. "Um, thank  you." I  bowed to her. She blushed, "It was no problem."  she answered quickly. "Another message was from  Tamaki. He said that you're  the only one in charge of the host club today."  'I  feel like punching a  wall.'  I  thought to myself.

"Thank you, hope I'll see you there." I  winked, trying to keep up my image. Her face  grew red. "Y-yeah." I  walked away, my face darkening. I  stared  at the  door of  the  janitor's closet that Siera  showed  me. I  opened the and looked at the concrete wall. I  punched it, venting my anger and it left an awkward fist-sized dent in the wall.

My knuckles started bleeding, as I  waved it off. "I  guess that closet was good for something." I  blew softly on my knuckles and walked away.


Haruhi  POV

"We shouldn't have just left him." I  grumbled for the 20th  time. "We drew straws, he wasn't there, he loses by default." Tamaki  explained again. "But, he's my brother!" I  protested. "We  planned this weeks ago. It was impossible to squeeze him in." Hikaru  draped his arm over my neck. "Says the rich people who can basically get Beyonce  to  come in 2 minutes." I  muttered under my breath.

"I  know you could, you just don't like him." I  pointed at them. Everyone's breathing hitched and the air was awkward. "He  seems . . . dangerous. He told us he went to juvie. He also keeps sending us nasty  looks. It seems like he's a  ticking time bomb." Kaoru explained.

Everyone nodded. I  wanted to say that he was the sweetest person ever, but I  admitted in my mind that  I  had seen this side of him. "He's just . . . adjusting. My brother is no  delinquent." I covered for him. "Why don't you tell us what he got in for?" Kyoya asked.

"I couldn't even find it." I was silent, not answering and so the host club fell silent.


"What are we doing here?" I asked. "My father asked us to host the girls here, while he had to talk buisness today." he said. "Consider it a school trip to hone our skills. These are the most powerful  girls in the world." Tamaki  announced.

"Cool!" Honey  smiled at the gigantic door. He held my hand ushering me inside although I  was hesitant. "See you later, Onii-chan." I said, as I was drafted  inside.

Haruko POV (i have an obsession with switching these)

Today at school I got a lot of stars from a good number of girls. Their rabid senses must have picked up that I was the only host club member.

I still had to take  Siera out for icecream. And so it began. When I  got to the club a  million girls already flooded in before me. " Hi, Haruko!" the girls said in a  jumbled matter. "Tamaki said that you were the only one today." another girl spoke.

"That's true. It will be 5 minutes per table." I  said, trying to make this actually work.


I  was constantly bombarded  by girls. You  don't even want to know what happened when they started fighting. That was a  whole mess. "Bye, senpai!" the last girl left. I  was breathing heavily on the booth. My hair was ruffled and I  felt like collapsing.

I  felt  my cheek which had lipstick smeared on it. "Those girls are animals. Someone lock them up in a  zoo." I  groaned. I  closed my eyes, resting for a moment. The slight creak of the  door alarmed me. "The host club hours are done." I  practically screamed.

"Sorry, I  didn't know that you aren't serious  about the ice cream." a voice said. My eyes shot open as she closed the door. " Wait, Siera!" I  called out, standing up and opening the door. I  saw her standing there. "We're  still going, right? Or  are you going to stand me up?" I  smiled at her. She softly smiled back. "What happened to you?" she asked. "Almost killed by a million  rabid  animals." I  answered and she  laughed. I  laughed too.

All  according  to  plan


HARUKO  wants to take over this time.

haruko: See  you  never  host club >:D

haruko: I also have a  poem to share

ME: Go  ahead


Roses  are  red
Violets  are  blue
If  you  touch  Haruhi
You'll  die  horribly.

Me : okay . . .

See you next time!

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