After 15 years

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Haruhi POV

"Hello,  Nicky~. Hello,  Yuki~" I cooed at my children.  "Momma! " they hugged me.  I had married Hikaru. Unlikely, enough  he had swept me of my feet on high school  and  we  went  to  the  same  college.

I'm a  lawyer  and  Hikaru  is a  clothes  designer. We  had  twins, funny  enough. One  boy  and  girl  named  Nicky  and  Yuki. Apparently, Mimi and Honey bonded after that little fiasco 15 years ago.

  You can guess what happened next. We were visiting  my  Dad, today. The little kids were jumping around while I  was  laughing and catching up with my Dad.

Nicky  POV

I  struggled getting on  chair, trying to look out the window. "Momma  will  be  mad!" Yuki scolded. I pouted, "Don't tell." She  harumphed and walked away exploring  Grandpa's house.

I wobbled a bit, grabbing on the shelf. "Nicky  for  the  win!" I  celebrated. My eyes fell on a  family photo. I  recognized  Uncle  Tama, Uncle  Mori, Uncle  Kaoru, Uncle  Honey, and  Uncle  Kyoya.

There  was  only  one  person  I  didn't  seem  to  remember. I  held  it  in  my  hand and slowly inched down.

I  fell  on  the floor, slipping  on  the  handle  with  a  thump.

Haruhi POV

"Oh  my  gosh! Nicky, are  you  okay!?" I  yelled running  to  my  child. He was sniffling trying not to cry. "I'm  not  a  kid." he  sniffled.

"I'm not going to  cry." Yuki ran up to me. "He was climbing things when you told him not to!" she pointed at him. "Snitch." he  glared at her. She stuck her tongue out. I ruffled his brown hair and pet her orange hair. "It's  okay." I  smiled at both of them.

He  got  down from my arms and showed  me  an  old  family photo. "Who's  that?" he pointed to someone. I took it from his hands getting a closer look. I sighed. "That's  another one of your uncles. Uncle Haruko. He's my brother." I told him.

"Where is he?" he asked. "I don't know." I lied. "He disappeared one day." He sunk his head. "Oh, then he won't get me extra presents." he sighed. I pricked my hand feeling blood run down.

"You cracked it." I said feeling it gingerly. There was a small  folded paper inside. It was worn and ripped. The letters were smudged.

My eyes widened, 'From Haruko . . .'

Nicky  POV

The  paper Momma was holding was  trembling  in  her  hands. A  tear  fell  on  it. "What's  wrong?" I  asked  her. She  turned  back and have me a  warm smile, tears  in  her  eyes.

"It's nothing, Nicky. Absolutely nothing."

Haruko  POV

For  some  reason  a  small smile graced  my  lips. "Dude, what  are  you  smiling  about. You're 32 and have been in  here for 15 years. What's there to smile about?" My  inmate  asked. My grin widened.

"Who  knows?"

What  the  note  said

' If  you're  reading  this I  may have gotten caught and sent to jail. Of  course, I  didn't  plan  to. You must be thinking what a  horrible sibling you have. You're  right. Just  wanted  to  say, that  everything  did  was  for  you. I  couldn't stop thinking of you when I  was  in  juvie. You  must  have  been  so  alone  and  I  did  it  again  to  you. I  kept  all  the  books  you  gave  me  and  all  the  hugs  and smiles. You're  the  best  sister  ever. If  I  ever  get  out  I'm going to tell you a  million times and over. I  didn't want you to get hurt again, and  I'm sorry. But  I  can't  stop  now. Just  wanted  to  say, that  I'll see you later. You'll  probably  never  find  this.

Love  you, bye  sis'


The book is  over!!!! I  hope you enjoyed it. Thank you  for looking at this book. You readers are the best!!!


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