Chapter 12

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Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday but i realized some bigger dreams of mine and Abigale gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind we both cried

Alisha cried. She cried all that weekend. She cried so much in that first hour after Jake drove away that Lauren and I were worried we wouldn't get our happy, positive, overly-energetic Alisha back.

I think she sensed our worry because she laughed a little bit through her tears and said, "I guess he wasn't my Prince Charming. " She then started crying again.

However, we didn't feel assured that we would get Alisha back until she asked, "Kalie, Lauren, maybe we'll meet them at the beach?" She said, referring to a" Prince Charming "

"You really still want to go to the beach?" Lauren asked her cautiously.

"What better way to get over someone?" She asked through her tears.

After twenty minutes, she stopped crying, which was incredibly surprising. Then she kicked us out of the house and forced us to call Lauren's brother and take us to the beach.

  At the beach, she was nothing short of crazy. She was extremely overly energetic (which is definitely saying something since it's Alisha we're talking about.) and she wouldn't stop talking or moving. She went up to everybody that we saw with a smile and a wave and launched into conversation. It didn't matter who they were. Grandma or surfer boy, it didn't matter to her, she just talked away.

   I couldn't tell if she was genuinely happy or just using this as a coping mechanism and faking happiness. Shouldn't I have been able to tell? I was her best friend, after all? I questioned myself.

   As soon as we got back in the car after four hours of being towed around the beach, Lauren and I found out the real reason.

  "That didn't work." Alisha started out.

"What didn't work?" Lauren asked gently.

"This. This trip, this everything." She said while starting to wave her hands around.

"How could I have been so foolish? Of course he would get over me quickly! I'm boring! I'm gullible! How could I ever dream that I could live up to the high school standards! This was a dumb choice! How could I even assume-"

At this I cut her off. She wasn't any of those things and she deserved to know it. " Listen, you are beautiful, and you are worth it. It's his dumb mistake and don't let that affect you. As for high school standards, who the hell cares?  And you for sure not boring! So stop okay! Stop! Stop bringing yourself down and you're going to go out there and show him what he's missing! Do you hear me! Because this is not your fault!"

She was silent after listening to my words and then nodded.

"It's just, I thought, this could work out. I know, it's stupid to think of having a Prince Charming  and dreams and all that but-"

"It's not stupid." This time it was Lauren that cut her off. "That will happen but he wasn't it. But I promise you that is out there."

The rest of the car ride back was spent in hugs and laughing  over absolutely nothing.

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