Chapter 10

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Cause when you're fifteen  somebody tells you they love you you're gonna believe them and when you're fifteen and your first kiss makes your head spin around but in life you'll do things greater than dating the boy on the football team I didn't know it at fifteen

"C'mon Monroe, you got this." I said under my breath as the clock was ticking by and we were down by 9

The game was close, until they broke into a run and made a touchdown, that is, thankfully we had just gotten the ball back. I refused to lose to the Port St Lucie Cougars. They are our biggest rivals and then was not going to happen. Especially since I was cheering and my cousins were in the other side of the stands. It was bad enough that they saw me in the uniform.

Right as I whispered that, Ryan broke out of the huddle, threw the ball down the field and we had a run! Not a touchdown yet, but it was enough to bring back up everybody's spirits. Now it was our turn to keep their spirits up. I sighed as I turned back towards the crowns and away from the field. Now that I had come to terms with cheering, that was still one of the major drawbacks, not being able to watch every minute of the game.

The ride home was both happy and loud. Since the game was away, everyone in the bus was jubilant and crazy, talking nonstop about the last play of the game and the wonderful tackle my brother had delivered. Thank goodness that by the time we got to the school and climbed into Hunters car, the adrenaline had been worn out and everyone was starting to get tired. I didn't think my head could've taken much more.

Since it was another Friday and another month, Alisha was riding home with me for our movie night. Jake was also spending the night at my house for Hunter, something that I was tentative to think about at first, but after a while things calmed down and it was no longer awkward. It just wasn't how it used to be. Somehow I had to be okay with that.

   By the time we woke up the next morning, the sun was already high in the sky and I realized I had to get ready for a soccer game. What I didn't realize was that Hunter and Jake were going out to breakfast; so when I walked downstairs to pour out a bowl of cereal, I ran snack dab into Jake's lean physic.

  A sound that went something like "oomph"  came out of my lips, as I reeled backward, only to have him catch me.

"Sorry!" We both apologized at the same time, after I had righted myself.

"No it's my fault. I totally wasn't looking where I was going." I told him.

   It was still weird apologizing. Before we just teased each other. It was times like these that I wished that date had never happened. Sometimes I could sense that he did too. 

  "Okay, well I'll see y'all later?" He awkwardly said, and then walked out to my brothers car.

After soccer, I was picked up by Lauren and her brother Chad who drove us both back to my house. I had gotten to be pretty close to her entire family and could even say that I knew my way around her mansion. However if you'd like to test me let's keep it inside the house, I don't quite know my way around her yard yet.

When we walked in laughing, after saying goodbye to Chad of course, we were met by a surprise. Jake and Alisha were both sitting on the couch(with Hunter nowhere to be found) watching friends and laughing. For some reason this hurt; but I didn't know why it would hurt. Jake and I are only friends and it was wayyyy to late to go back on that decision anyways. I should be happy if Alisha's happy.

Lauren saw my expression and shot me a questioning glance but I just shook my head to shake the feeling off. Then we moved on, laughing again towards the couch to join them.

Later that night I got a text in the group chat between me, Lauren and Alisha. When I first read it I had to double back and read it again. How had that happened so quickly?

Alisha- guess what!


Alisha-guess who has a date!
This girl!



Lauren- when did that happen?

Alisha- when he drove me home today

Lauren-and you waited this long to tell us?

Alisha- my mom took away my phone until I finished my hw but AHHHH

Fifteen  *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now