Chapter 9

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And your' e dancing round the room when the night ends when the night ends

Wednesday and Thursday and Friday flew by, which is a miracle in itself, seeing as it was the second week of school and the newness of it had already worn off. While I was having a wonderful week, Alisha was miserable. When I asked her about it she just brushed me off, saying it was nothing. Finally, on Friday when we were having our monthly cheesy movie night, I confronted her.

"Okay girly, you can't say nothing again. So what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I stared at her. "I promise! Nothing! " she said in retreat.

" it's not nothing and you know it, " I told her. " now can you please tell me what's wrong?" I asked in a gentler voice.

" it's nothing you have to worry about." She said while fidgeting in her chair.

"Sweetie if you're hurt than I'm worried. Come on you can tell me." Thankfully, with the the ice started to melt and I could feel my best friend coming back.

"Its just that, well, remember the first day of school?" She asked.

"How could I forget? It was last week!" I laughed.

She fake laughed softly with me, " do you remember what I told you?"

"About cheer?"


That's when it dawned on me. She had told me how she actually like Jake more than a fling! And I had been a terrible best friend and abandoned her to go on a date with the guy she liked! How could I have become such a bad friend! I had been so selfish and self centered.

"I'm so sorry!" I cried. " You told me you liked him and then I went and-"

"It's okay. Kali it's okay. If you really like him than I'm okay with it." She tried to comfort me.

"But you like him and you're not okay, if  you want me to I can-"

"Stop"  she cut me off. " you obviously like him too and he likes you. I'd rather one of us be happy than none."

"But I'd rather you be happy with who I'm with."

"No buts." She declared. "Is just glad you know now and I don't feel like I'm hiding anything from you." She told me and I gave her a hug and then hit play on the movie.

Later that night while Alisha was asleep, all I could think about was how I had let that happen. I had completely left her in the dust. For what? A boy that I now wasn't sure that I really liked?

Sure he was cute, I had had a lot of fun and he made me feel special; but did I really like him like that? Or was it just one night that I got caught up in? Did I really want to give up part of my best friend for a boy? I wasn't quite sure that I did.

I spent the entire night, sleepless, running that night through my head over and over again. The first thing he had said was that he liked me because I was pretty? Sure, nice and funny had followed, but shouldn't they have been first? Shouldn't we have had a more in depth conversation before we went on a date? Yes, I had know him forever, but shouldn't that mean that I would have liked him beforehand? Not just gone along with it when he brought it up. Not just agree to it on a whim.

It took all night, but by morning, I had figured it out. If we're really meant to be together than it will happen again. I just don't want to lose part of my best friend over a boy now. At that last thought, I smiled at the figure lying beside me, still covered with some popcorn we had threw at each other during the movie, laid down and finally went to sleep.

Fifteen  *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now