Chapter 4

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'Cause when your fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
And when you're fifteen feeling like there's nothing to figure out but,
Count to ten, take it in
This is life before you know who you're gonna be

"We'll be late if you're not ready!" Alisha told me from the bathroom that adjoined my room. She had just spent the last ten minutes trying to give herself a French braid.

"I thought you weren't excited." I grumbled, while reaching into my sports drawer and pulling out a pair of Nike shorts and a T shirt.

"Opinions change." She chirped, as she set the hairbrush down with a triumphant grin.

"Does that mean you can go without me?" I asked hopefully.


I frowned as I slid on my shorts and joined her in the bathroom. I picked up my brush and brushed my hair out, then started French braiding my hair to the right side and slid it into a ponytail. Alisha looked at me with her mouth open in shock and I grinned.

"Maybe in a few years you can do it like me." I teased. I had mastered the art of sports hairstyles after my years of soccer.

"But how?" She gaped.

"Practice." I said as I walked back into my room and grabbed my gym bag and emptied it out of soccer stuff and put in what we'd need for today.

"And hey!" She said, catching onto what I had said earlier.

"You're ride awaits." Jake told us as we made our way into the kitchen.

"Um, I thought Hunter was taking us on his way to practice."

"He was called in early and called me to get you." He told me, swinging his keychain around on his finger, something I found incredibly aggravating and he knew it.

"Great. Now hand me the keys." I demanded while putting my hand out.

"What?" Both he and Alisha stared at me.

"Hand me the keys." I repeated.

"Why?" He said, sounding skeptical.

"Just hand them to me."

"Fine." He said tentatively, and placed the keys in my hand.

Then as I walked out I saw him mouth to Alisha,'she's crazy'

"Saw that!"

"You were supposed too!"

"So where to?" Jake asked as we left my driveway, me in the back and Alisha in the passenger seat.

"You're house!" I supplied.

"My house?" He questioned.

"We're meeting you're sister, she's going to help me with cheering." Alisha filled him in.

"Okay." He said, dragging the word out.

"Just go with it." I told him, and leaned back in my seat. Today was going to be very interesting.

"So next we're going to move onto the jumps." Sam told us after we had finished stretching. "The first is the most basic, the T jump. All you do is hold your arms up out like a T, and jump up with your legs straight, the important part is that your arms are locked."

"Like this?" Alisha asked, and then proceeded to do the jump.

"Exactly. Kali?"

I sighed and did the jump. I had cheered for Hunter and Jake in rec. football league and Sam knew I know all the jumps and positions. She was just doing it to torture me.

"Good, now we can move on to the Hurkey. Just jump up and put one leg tucked under your but and the other straight like so-" she told us and then demonstrated the jump.

I sighed, yet again and jumped into a perfect Hurkey. We were only on the jumps, this was going to be a long day.

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