Chapter 3

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"It's your freshman year, and you're gonna be here for the next four years in this town. Hoping one of those senior boys would wink at you and say, you know I haven't seen you around before."

"Kalie! Time for school!" Mom called up the stairs.

I groaned as I rolled over and shoved the blanket over my head. It was definitely not time to get out of bed. I still had three minutes and I intended to sleep.

  However, my dog Cassie was NOT going to let that happen. I found myself being crushed by the Golden's weight and my face being covered in her slobber. Gross. I pushed her off and then headed towards the bathroom. There goes my three minutes.

  After pulling on my converse, I grabbed my backpack and slipped outside, walking towards Hunter's car. I slid my backpack off my and opened the door, letting my backpack slide off my shoulder.


I looked back down towards the car I had just thrown my backpack in. Jake was sitting in the front seat with my backpack now in his lap. I felt my checks burning and made my way back over to the car. This day already started off bad, now this?

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were there!" I heard myself say.

Why was I saying that? Normally I would just tell him that my backpack belonged there and thank you for warming up my seat. Instead I had said that? Something strange was going on.

  He must've noticed it too, because the next words out of his mouth were, "No, it's my seat! Or thanks for taking care of my backpack!?" He said this slightly confused.

"Uhh, sorry? Cassie decided she wanted to take over my bed this morning and absolutely crushed me. So would you now be so kind and move out of my seat."

"There's the Kali I know!" He grinned as he started to get up.

"But tomorrow I get shotgun."

"And tomorrow you can drive your own car." I retorted, glad I was back to normal.

"Did Kali just apologize? I should send Cassie up to your room more often!" Hunter cheerily said as he got in the car.

"You put me through that torture!" I exclaimed. "I'm going to strangle you!" I yelled reaching over the wheel to grab him.

"But then you'll never get to school!" He said, alarmed.

"I'll make Jake drive me!"

All this time Jake had just sat in the back and laughed.

I relayed this all back to Alisha while laying on the hammock in my backyard, who as it turns out has a massive crush on Jake now. At least her attentions now off the fact that I didn't wear any of my new shirts to school.

"That's it!" She said, incredulously. "All he did was laugh!"

"Well, after he got out of my seat, yes." I interjected.

"And you said that he had a car."

I nodded.

"Okay then you have to help me get him to ask me out." She said matter of fact like.

I blanched. I had never thought that I would ever hear her say that. What happened to the Alisha that obsesses over someone and then one week later it's over?

"I'm serious. This time it's not just a crush." She said, reading my face.

This took me aback, not just a crush? She was serious?

  I looked closer at her face and, since we're best friends saw that she meant it. I sighed, "Now to start Operation Car Trouble."

"Operation Car Trouble?" She laughed, with a strange mix of excitement and relief on her face.

"Well if his car doesn't work I can have shotgun and you can sit in the back with Jake and get him to eventually ask him out."

"Um, honey, I'm not sure it's that simple." She said patting my arm.

"I know." I said whilst giving her a 'duh' look. "The cars just one thing, then we'll have to go to all their football games, hang out while the college games are on, and find your similarities to give you a reason to hang out more." I explained.

"You already watch the college games." She pointed out.

"I know and now so will you."

"Secondly, this plan might work."

"Thanks." I replied, but then remembered what I had told Sam. I have to tell her sometime and why not when she's already happy?

"So there's something I need to tell you while we're having this heart to heart." I started.

"You don't like him too, do you!" She blurted out.

"Of course not!" I said horrified. "Me and Jake are not an item, never will be an item. You get that idea out of your brain while I mentally gag."

"Anyways, it's about you." I told her, getting over the grossness of before. Jake is like another older brother to me.

"What?" She asked suspiciously.

Uh oh. "I may have possibly told Sam that you were interested in cheering." I hurriedly continued as I saw her face."which you are! And I may have possibly arranged a practice between you and her this Thursday."

"You what!" She exploded.

So much for heart to heart.

"I can't believe you! You know I'm too nervous to actually try out-"

At that point I tuned out and stared at the trees above me, they looked like a beautiful canopy. I was debating whether I should go inside and grab my camera. This would be a perfect picture for my second Instagram. My photography channel was in need of another update, even though I had five on my computer waiting to be uploaded and edited-

"Are you even listening?"

I looked up at her and nodded my head. Of course I was listening I told her with my eyes. Or, at least I hope that's what my eyes said.

"You were not listening." There goes that hope.

"I was!"

"Then what did I say?"


"See." She smirked. "If I'm going to do this, then you're doing it with me."

"But I have soccer!"

"All you have to do is tryout with me."

"So you are trying out?" This was great news!

"Only if you tryout." That wasn't so great.

"If you make it you don't have to do it." She reminded me.

"But, if you don't tryout, then you'll have to call Sam back and tell her that you wimped out."

"But I didn't wimp out!"



Now I have to learn how to be a cheerleader. Yippe.

Fifteen  *Completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora