Chapter 7

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And then you're on your very first date and he's got a car and you feeling like flying

    It seems like the very minute I stepped out of my car at home the world decides to fall apart. First, Cassie decided to run up and jump on me knocking me to the ground. Then, as soon as I stand up, I get hit in the head with the football that Hunter, Jake and their friend Ryan were passing, knocking me over once again. On top of that, in an effort to help me off the ground, Jake got ran into by Luke who was having a water gun fight with his friend, therefore knocking Jake back on top of me.

"Sorry! Guess the helping you up didn't go so well. " Jake said apologetically.

"Did you really just apologize and try to help me up?" I asked him teasingly, referring back to the beginning of the week when I had thrown my stuff on top of him.

"In that case, no." He laughed whilst actually helping me up.

"Okay good, because that would just be way too weird."


As we both laughed and went to walk back towards Ryan and Hunter, we of course, got splashed by the water gun; and everybody knows, this always starts a fight. And I always win these fights, especially when the teams are Jake, Luke's friend Adam, and I, against Hunter, Ryan and Luke.

"You're going down." Jake and I told Luke, having teamed up and done this way too many times before.

"In your dreams." Luke replied, having said the line way too many times as well. Because everybody knows, they make it official.

I guess my terrible getting out of car period was now officially over.

It took quite a while to finally get dried off, and by quite a while, I mean three full games of two hand touch, which is how we always finish our time outside off. Then it was inside the house to change our clothes and regroup for some of my dads famous cheeseburgers. (They're at least neighborhood famous)

After we had all eaten I decided to stay outside and work on my homework that I had gotten Friday (why teachers can't lay off the first week of school I had no idea) or at least I tried to do my homework but kept getting distracted by the person that had decided he had to stay out and sit by me.

"So how's cheer?"




"Why are you replying as if it's a question?"

" because?"

"That's not an answer."

"I don't know!" I threw my hands up in the air exasperated, and then shut my textbook knowing that I wouldn't be able to get anywhere.

Then I calmed down and gave a question of my own. " What do you want to talk about?" I asked in a normal friendly tone.

"Umm, actually can we go over to the swings?" He asked, nodding towards our swing set in the corner of the yard.

"Uh, yeah sure." I replied, following him over and then taking a seat on one of the swings and rocking back and forth. "What's up?"

   "So we've know each other a long time..." he paused here almost nervous?

" yes we have." I laughed.

"Well, so..." he paused, most definitely nervous, which was starting to make me nervous."you used to be almost like a second little sister to me." He continued," and I'm hoping that I used to be like an older brother to you."

He emphasized the used to and I gulped. Where was this going?

" And Kali I'm really hoping that that was used to, because I really like you."

"You what?" I managed to get out. Not sure what was going on in my mind.

"I really like you and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?"

"A date."


"Like a date, date?"

"Yes, Kali, if you don't want to go, please tell me." He pleaded.

"Hold up," I said and stood off the swing while holding a hand in the air. "Let's get this straight, you like me?" He nodded. "You want me to go in a date with you?" Another nod.



He wasn't expecting that and it took him a second to answer. " because I like you."

"I get that." I told him. "But why do you like me? Why me?"

He sighed, "because you're really pretty, and nice and funny."

"Aww,thank you! I told him. I'd love to!"

"You would?" He asked, not quite believing me.

"I would."

"Really? "

I gave a fake exasperated sigh, "yes."

He straightened up and the normal Jake came back, "okay then, I will pick you up at seven on Tuesday."

"Don't I get to know where we're going?" I asked.

"Nope. You'll have to wait." With that said, he left me to take in what just happened and figure out what on earth just went on.

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