Chapter 12: A date?!

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It's the first weekend of our time here and we've got free roaming privileges. We can even go down to Vale if we want or return home as some students do. I myself, am planning on heading to see the weapon designer that Ozpin told me about. I'm excited to finally get my hands on a weapon, apparently visibly so as Ruby, who was sitting across from me as I got ready seemed to notice my excitement.

[Ruby] "what's got you all bubbly Ryu?"
[Ryu] "oh, uh... actually.. hey Ruby, you like weapons right?"
[Ruby] "of course! They're awesome!"
[Ryu] "cool. I was actually going to head down to Vale to meet a friend of professor Ozpin. Apparently he's a weapon designer and I was told he'd be able to give me a weapon... you want to come?"
[Ruby] "Do I!?"
[Ryu] "do you?"
[Ruby] "yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!"
[Ryu] "alright then, the next ship leaves in about two hours, meet you there?"
[Ruby] "okay!"

She had a wide grin on her face as she rushed out of the room, almost hitting Blake as they passed each other at the entrance.

[Blake] "what..was that?"
[Ryu] "ehe, I think she's just a bit excited."
[Blake] "what for?"
[Ryu] "oh, I asked her if she wanted to go down to a weapons shop later and she seemed to like the idea."
[Blake] "just the two of you?"
[Ryu] "yeah"
[Blake] "together?"
[Ryu] "yeah?"
[Blake] "going to Vale to shop for weapons?"
[Ryu] "is.. there something wrong with that?"
[Blake] "no.. its just that it sounds a lot like a date."
[Ryu] "date? What's that?"

Blake just stared at me with a blank look on her face and I could swear I saw her bow twitch.

An hour went past as Blake explained the concept of a date to me using a few of her books for examples. Those are some very... vivid... books.

[Blake] "so, do you understand now?"

My face turned red as I answered.

[Ryu] "y-yeah.."
[Blake] "good, I wish you luck then."
[Ryu] "Th-Thanks..."


I rushed out the door, almost knocking Blake over as I ran. I should make sure to say sorry to her about that when I get the chance.

Eventually I found myself at team Jnpr's dorm room where I knew Yang was hanging out. Bursting through the door, everyone had a different reaction, though, most were surprised.

[Jaune] "Gaah!"
[Pyrrha] "oh, hello"
[Ren] "..."
[Nora] "Rubyyyy!"
[Yang] "Ruby?"
[Ruby] "hey guys! Yang, I've got some awesome news!"
[Nora] "they're giving us all mechs!? YAAAAY!"
[Ruby] "no... I'm going down to the new weapon shop in Vale!"
[Yang] "huh? But I thought that place was only for licensed hunters and huntresses?"
[Ruby] "normally yeah, buuuut, Ryu's taking me there!"
[Yang] "that.. still doesn't explain anything. How is he able to go there?"
[Ruby] "Ozpin gave him the go ahead."
[Yang] "huh.."
[Jaune] "sooo.. what, is it a date?"
[Ruby] ""
[Jaune] "yeah, y'know, you're a girl, he's a guy, you're going to the city alone together..."
[Ruby] "..."

If I could see my own face, I'm sure it would be as red as my hood with steam coming out of my ears.

[Yang] "awwww, that's so adorable! My baby sister's got a hot date!"

Yang jumped up and gave me a one armed hug that lifted me off of the ground

[Ruby] "please.... stop"
[Nora] "oh this. Is GREAT! What are you gonna wear? Where are you gonna eat, what are gonna do? *gasps* are you going to do naughty things!?"
[Ruby] "W-what? N-n-no! Where just... going to get a weapon for ryu.. it's not a date... I don't think..."
[Yang] "Ruby."
[Ruby] "...yes?"
[Yang] "you need to get ready."
[Nora] "Makeover!"
[Ren] "we'll leave you guys to sort all this stuff out."

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