Chapter 9: Found out spectacularly

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The situation so far. Right now, Weiss and I are hanging onto a massive nevermore... the wind is deafening and the height is slightly dizzying.

[Weiss] "I told you this was a terrible idea!"
[Ruby] "We're fine! Stop worrying!"
[Weiss] "I am so far beyond worrying!
[Ruby] "in a good way?"
[Weiss] "in a bad way! In a very bad way!"
[Ruby] "well, why don't we just jump?"
[Weiss] "what are you? Insane!?"

I didn't really catch what Weiss just said because I already jumped hehe.

Almost down, I can see some people, I think that's Yang!

[Ruby] "heads uuuuuuuup!"

Uh oh uh oh uh oh, oh Ryu jumped up towards me, to catch me? That's.... huh?

[Ryu] "woah!"
[Ruby] "oof!"

- Ryu

Owwww~ what just hit us?

[Ruby] "ooooh.... what was that?"

Huh? Ruby's sitting on top of me? Well, at least it doesn't look like she's been hurt..

[Ryu] "hey Ruby, can you get off of me please?"
[Ruby] "eh?...oh!"

She stood up in a flash while holding her hood up over her face.

"Speaking of getting off..."
[Ryu] "hm? Oh, hey Jaune"

So Jaune was the one that hit us. Ruined my catch...

[Jaune] "sooo... are you going to get off of me at some point?"
[Ryu] "in a minute."
[Jaune] "wha?"
[Blake] "did your sister just fall from the sky?"
[Yang] "I..."


I looked out towards the forest after hearing something crashing through it as an Ursa comes out, swinging its claws around like mad just as a pink blast of energy hits it from behind and it's rider can be seen... and heard.

[Nora] "Yeee-Haaaaw!"

She rolled of the Grimms back and let out a sad groan.

[Nora] "awwww.... it's broken."

She dashed up to the neck and seems to observing the carcass as, the one I'm assuming is her partner, Ren shows up behind her. Seriously, am I the only one who didn't get a partner?"

[Ren] "*panting* Nora! Please... don't ever do that again."

He looks up, noticing that Nora had already run off again and started searching around frantically. I rescind my statement, looks like you've got it pretty tough there ren.. my condolences.

I motioned to ren from the branch I was sitting on to get his attention and when he finally looked, I pointed my finger towards the ruins where Nora was happily dancing while holding one of the "relics and singing

[Nora] "in the queen of the castle! I'm the queen of the castle!"
[Ren] "Nora!"

She stops dancing immediately, takes the relic off of her head and starts skipping gleefully back over to her partner.

[Nora] "coming Ren!"
[Blake] "Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?"
[Yang] "I..."

Yang was interrupted yet again by a screech from the right, as Pyrrha comes running in while the trees behind her are uprooted by a giant death stalker and she narrowly avoids its giant claws.

[Pyrrha] "Jaune!"
[Jaune] "Pyrrha!"

Alright, I'll get off of him now. Ruby seems to have noticed the giant monster now that her hood was no longer covering her face

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