Chapter 3: Red hood

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- 1 year later. (Ryu)

I finally made it to the city. When I think about it, not much has happened in the past year since I left home. I had a few run-ins with some, less than friendly Grimm and unfortunately, none of them held the intelligence to communicate with me. Beowolves mostly but there were a few Ursai too.

Walking through the city I couldn't help but notice a group of people dressed in black and red tuxedos while the leader (I'm assuming) wore white. Why did I notice them? Because everyone else noticed them. That, and the one who seemed to be their leader was wearing a strange looking hat while smoking a cigar and carrying around a cane. His ginger hair was also pretty eye catching when compared to the other people in the area at the time. They seemed to heading into a shop called "from dust till dawn". These guys were emanating some pretty vivid negative emotions. "Great, more bad humans."
I thought as I followed them as they went into the store. I stood just outside where I was able to see and and hear everything going on. The ginger flicked his cigar as he started speaking to the elderly shopkeeper.

[Ginger] "do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?"

One of the henchmen pointed his gun at the shopkeeper. Sticking his hands up in the air he said

[Shopkeeper] "P-please! Just take my lien and leave!"
[Ginger] "shh, shh, shh, shh, we're not here for your money.

He turned his head to his henchmen.

[Ginger] "grab the dust."

Alright, I think I've seen enough. I walked into the store ready to beat these guys senseless.

[Henchmen] "hey!"
[???] "Hyah!"

Just as I walked through the door, one of the henchmen was sent flying across the shop. Looking at the person who sent the fully grown man flying, I saw a young girl, dressed in a black and red outfit and a red hood. The ginger motioned for another guy to take care of the girl.

[Henchmen] "Freeze!"

The girl charged him taking both the henchmen and herself through the shops window.

[Ryu] "what in the world..."

The girl took of her headphones and brought out a large red scythe, Twirling it around and stabbing it into the ground.

[Ginger] "okayyy.... get her!"

Two of the henchmen manage to get outside before I regain my senses and grab ahold of the third. He tries to aim his gun at me but but I block his arm from moving with my right arm and sweep his leg out from under him using my left. As he tried to get back up I slam my foot down on his chest with enough force to knock the wind out of him, subsequently knocking him unconscious. After that I headed outside to see if the red hooded girl needed any help but, it looks like I needn't have worried as she sends one the henchmen flying back towards the shop barely missing me and landing by the gingers feet.

[ginger] "you were worth every cent, truly, you were."

As he dropped his cigar to the ground, police sirens could be heard in the background getting closer.

[Ginger] "well, Red, Black, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around-"

He raised his cane and the bottom opened up revealing a rifle barrel with a cross grid scope.

[Ginger] "I'm afraid this is where we part ways."

The ginger unleashed two red blast at us. I managed to avoid one by jumping to the side, landing on my behind and the scythe girl avoided hers by... firing her scythe into the ground and keeping over it... wow, that's different. When the girl landed she looked towards the shopkeeper, then an alleyway, then the shopkeeper again.

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