Chapter 2: Town full of Idiots

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So this is the town I was born in... guess I'll go explore.

Is it my clothes? No matter where I look, people are giving me dirty looks. Well, no, not dirty. Fearful? Are they afraid of me?

[???] "hey boy! Y'might wanna think about leavin' soon!"
[Ryu] "what?"

I turned to find the owner of the gruff voice. Another older man, he looked quite a bit older than Qrow, with white hair, casual looking clothes and, are those animal ears? I think my father called them Faunus.

[Ryu] "what's going on? Why do I need to leave?"
[Faunus] "ah? Y'mean y'aint heard? The Grimm are at it again fer the first time in 14 years."
[Ryu] "active? Why's that?"
[Man] "you been livin' under a rock er somethin'? The dragon. Rumour has it it's angry."
[Ryu] "you mean the one up in the mountain cave?"
[Man] "yeah, that's the one."
[Ryu] "it's not angry."
[Man] "what?"
[Ryu] "he was nice, he's, he's dead now."
[Man] "What!? How in maidens grace would you know that!?"
[Ryu] "I lived up there. For 14 years."

The mans face went pale when I said that.

[Man] "you. You're the baby they brought up there back then aren'tcha."
[Ryu] "I am."
[Man] "then it's your fault things are like this!"
[Ryu] "what?"

People were started to turn there heads this way. I could feel the negative emotions being poured out towards me. This is bad, if this keeps going like this-


There it is. The Grimm. These guys, I guess since it's been 14 years since the Grimm have shown up in this area they forgot about the whole, negative emotions attract them.


People were scattering around panicked, looking to every source of protection they could find and eventually, their sight landed on me.

[Man] "it's your fault, you should distract it while we escape."
"If the dragon just ate you all those years ago this wouldn't be happening."
"You owe us."

What? From your point of view how the hell do I "owe" you people anything? From your point of view you were just sacrificing a baby to protect your own skin. I don't owe you people anything. However, I do want to try out my fathers gift. So I guess I'll lend you a hand.

As I thought that, the Beowulf Grimm came charging around the corner as it screamed at the people around me. Like I said, negative emotions.

As the Beowulf charged towards me, I held out my hand and activates my aura. The black aura I gave off seemed to scare the townsfolk as they stopped talking and started backing off or even running away. The Beowulf got closer, closer, closer, then, it slowed down, coming to a stop just millimetres from my hand. I placed my hand on the red and white mask, gazing into its glowing red eyes. My fathers ability to summon and control Grimm. He had given that ability to me, though, that's not my only ability. Apparently I have something in me that makes me similar to the Grimm, letting me speak to the more intelligent and powerful ones. There's also this.

I placed my hand firmly on the Beowulf mask.

[Ryu] "give me you're power."

The Beowulf began to dissipate, as they do when they die, only, the smoke was seemingly attracted to me, encircling my body before entering it slowly. According to my father, doing this added the Grimm's power onto my own. Increasing my physical strength and speed even sight depending on the Grimm. Though, unfortunately, something like a Geists possession ability can't be obtained like this and while I do it, I'm completely open to be attacked. Well, no matter for now, the Beowulf is gone and I'm all the more powerful for it.

"It, it's gone?"
"Y-you saw that right? He was controlling that thing, he's not human."
"He's a Grimm"

You know what.


Some people screamed and ran, some readied weapons and some stood still in fear.

[Ryu] "you said I owed you! You know what!? Yeah, I think I did. If it wasn't for you people o wouldn't have found out who the real bad guys are! My father was a Grimm! He cared for me! Taught me! Raised me as his own! I'm glad you say I'm not human! I'd hate to be like all of you! From this point forward, I. Am. Grimm!"

With that, I stormed through the town, grabbing some clothes from a nearby shop.

[Ryu] "I'm taking these as payment for taking care of the Beowulf for you."

They were a pair of black jeans, a black jacket with white accents and a red dragon emblem and black undershirt. "How fitting" I thought to myself, reaching the exit on the other side of the town. I know there are good people. These people though? They're the worst. If I could meet more people like Qrow, things wouldn't be so bad.

- 3rd person

"You see that?"
"Yes. He could control the Grimm."
"Isn't that similar to-"
"The dragon in mountain Glenn"
"That thing could summon others. Isn't this more like that woman?"
"Who? You mean Salem?"
"That's the one."
"Hmm, you think they're related somehow?"
"Maybe, though I doubt it's by blood."
"Yeah, you'd have to be pretty crazy to want anything to do with that."

The young silver haired boy and emerald hair coloured girl sat in a small cafe in the town that had just been attacked, wanting to enjoy the view of carnage but finding something much more interesting.

[girl] "I suppose we should report this to Cinder huh?"
[boy] "*sigh* yeah, lets go, pretty sure we're done here anyway."

The two got up, payed for their drinks and began sauntering off in the direction of their friend.

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