Chapter 10: First impressions

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"I will find you my child. I will not have you waste your precious talents with these, children."

The female voice rang out. It didn't sound like any Grimm I had ever met before.

"Ry..Ryu...Ryu!...*Whistle blowing*
[Ryu] "ahh! Who? What? Huh!?"
[Ruby] "Gooood morning team Rrwby!"

I sat in my bed, dumbfounded by the red hooded girl with a grin on her face and a whistle in her hand. Looking over, I could see Weiss lying on the floor in a heap. Did she sleep there?

[Weiss] "What in the world is wrong with you?"
[Ruby] "now that you're all awake, we can officially begin our first order of business."
[Weiss] "excuse me?"

I'm not too sure what she's going on about, but from the way I can see Yang holding a collection of pillows, pamphlets and other assorted things, I think I can make a pretty hood guess.

[Yang] "Decorating!"
[Ryu] "thought so..."
[Weiss] "What!?"

Blake held her suitcase up.

[Blake] "we still have to unpack."

As the last syllable rolled of her tongue, the contents of her suitcase spilled onto the floor.

[Blake] "aaand clean."

Weiss wasn't looking very enthusiastic at the notion of cleaning and decorating. Does she normally get someone else to do that for her?
I couldn't help but snicker a little at what happened next, with Ruby obnoxiously blowing her whistle in Weiss' face. Sorry Weiss, I'm just glad it wasn't me.

[Ruby] "Aaaaalright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, Ryu and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission! *fist pumping the air* Banzai!"

[Ruby, Blake & Yang] "Banzai!"

Decorating huh? While everyone else is busy making their sleeping Areas feel more like home I wonder to myself what exactly I should do to do the same. After all, I slept in a cave. After a little bit of heavy thought while the others raced around, I decided on what I would do. Getting up of the bed, I "removed it" from the room, moving all the pieces into a pile in the corner for now.

Everyone seems to have finished their respective areas, however, it seems there is a bit of a problem...

[Weiss] "this isn't going to work."
[Blake] "it is a bit cramped."
[Yang] "maybe we should ditch some of our stuff..."
[Ruby] "or we could ditch the beds.... and replace them with bunk beds!"
[Weiss] "that sounds incredibly dangerous."
[Yang] "and super-awesome!"
[Blake] "it does seem efficient"
[Ryu] "uuuh, what's a bunk bed?"
[Weiss] "well, we should put it to a vote!"
[Ruby] "I think we just did"

Looking around the room, Blake gives a thumbs up, yang does a strange gesture with her hands that I don't recognise, I shrug without preference and Weiss clutched her fists angrily at her sides. With that settled they all rushed to their beds, rebuilding and setting them up on either side of the room, one above the other.

[Ruby] "Objective complete!"
[Blake] "Ruby? I think you're forgetting about someone."
[Ruby] "eh?"

They all slowly turned towards me, only now realising that they'd used the pieces of my bed to help put together their bunks.

[Ruby] "Eh!? I-I-I'm so sorry!"

She bowed her head in apology before starting to frantically try and think about what to do. I try to calm her down by putting my hand on her shoulder and pointing to a spot on the floor near the window.

[Ryu] "don't worry about it, I'll sleep there."
[Ruby] "what? On the floor? But.."
[Ryu] "like I said, *smiling* it's fine"
[Weiss] "*Mumbling* "so the monster will sleep on the floor, how fitting."

I don't think anyone else other than me heard her then but, well, I guess it's to be expected.

[Ruby] "well.. if you say so..*slapping her own face lightly* Alllllright! Our second order of business is....! .....classes....*pulls out pencil* now, we have a few classes together today. at 9, we've got to be-"
[Weiss] "wait, did you say 9 o'clock?"
[Ruby] "uuuum.."
[Weiss] "it's 8:55 you dunce!"

Weiss is the first to rush out the room and into the hall, everyone else following closely behind while I kinda still need to get dressed... I put uniform on as fast as possible and leap out of the window to the ground below, resulting in only being a few metres behind the two teams now desperately running to class. I run to catch up but for some reason I seem to Bea lot faster than before, resulting in me rushing past the team and running ahead of them.

"Uuuuh, Ryu?"
[Ryu] "hm? Oh, hey Ruby, how'd you get there?"

I was carrying Ruby like a princess in my arms as I continued to speed towards the classroom. I could feel my face flushing red and every time I looked down at Ruby, hers did too. Is this what Ozpin was talking about?

We made it to class and as we burst through the doors, I quickly realised that I still had Ruby in my arms. Embarrassed, I slowly put her down on her feet while the rather portly teacher made a comment towards us.

"You're a little late on your first day. Normally that would reflect quite badly on you but, looking at how flustered the two of you are, I can see that there was a reason behind this and since this is the first day, I'll let you off with a warning. Don't be late next time."
[Ruby & Ryu, followed by everyone else] "sorry professor."
"Good, now take a seat and we can get on with the class."


[Port] "Monsters! Deeeemons... Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!"

Everyone from team Rrwby is displaying various levels of interest towards professor ports lessons. Blake and Yangare sitting up paying attention, Weiss is making notes, Ruby was napping before she was woken up by ports bad joke and I'm sitting here bored out of my mind. I already know this stuff, it's the one thing my father taught me about that he had absolute certainty about what he was telling me. I mean, who would know more about Grimm than the Grimm themselves?

[Port] "Uhhhh... And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying: Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses... *winks at Yang, to which she groans uncomfortably* Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world!"

Huh? The whole class turned to look at the student whom had risen from his chair, fist pumping the air. He stood like that for a moment before slowly sitting back down.

[Port] ""That is what you are training to become. But first: A story. A tale of a young, handsome man... Me! When I was a boy..."

Oh no...

The professor went on a long, uninteresting story about his life as a hunter, to which I had almost completely tuned out, until I looked over at my teammates and saw Ruby with her pencil on her paper and a hard working look on her face. I peered over at what she was doing and I couldn't help but let out a laugh before quickly covering my mouth. Ruby had drawn a crude picture of professor port with stink lines emanating from him titled "professor poop".

[Port] "hmm? Is there something amusing about my story?"
[Ryu] "uuh no sir. Just, some dust, tickled my nose... oh and I don't mean that kind of dust I mean dust as in the stuff you find on old things... not saying that you're old or anything I just... sorry, it won't happen again.."
[Port] "*sigh* very well, then, since you seem to be paying so much attention in class, perhaps you would care to come down here and prove your worth?"
[Ryu] "what?"
[Port] "come now, don't be shy."
[Ryu] "...okay"

I began walking down the aisle towards the main stage of the room, looking back at my teammates as Yang and Blake gave me looks of condolence, Ruby gave me a look that said "go on" and Weiss was busy staring angrily at Ruby.

[Port] "now then, step forward and face your opponent!"

A cage in front me opens, revealing the red eyes of a Grimm.

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