Chapter 16: Sickness

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[Ruby] "did you guys hear that?"

All of a sudden, the three other members came sprinting towards us like their lives depended on it, ramming their way past the other students. While looking back, one of them starts screaming.

[Russel] "Ursa! Ursa!"

When he runs into Yang by accident who isn't fazed in the slightest after the collision.

[Yang] "What!?"

She picks him up by the front of his shirt, not unlike how she did with me.

[Yang] "Where?"

Russel is struggling to free himself from Yangs grip while still running in the air, he does manage to point back the way they came though.

[Russel] "Back there! It's got Cardin!"

At his words, Pyrrha drops her jar of sap and a look of extreme worry appears on her face.

[Pyrrha] "Jaune!"
[Ruby] "Yang! Blake! Go get professor Goodwitch, Ryu-"
[Ryu] "I'm coming with you!"
[Ruby] "right!"
[Pyrrha] "*to Ren and Nora* you two, go with them! there could be more!"

Pyrrha, Ruby, Weiss and I all ready our weapons and rush towards where the Ursa is.
When we get there, we see Cardin trying to crawl away from the Ursa.

[Cardin] "Crap! Crap, crap!
[Pyrrha] "Oh no!"
We watch as the Ursa with dozens of giant spikes in its back callously leans over the helpless victim, raising its paw and striking it down.... only to be blocked by Jaune's shield.. Weiss prepares her weapon to charge in and help them but Pyrrha stops her and-

As if the ringing sound of the paw hitting the shield entered my head the pain was back. In my head and my eyes, only this time it felt much worse, until a familiar female voice enters.

"Are you just going to stand there and watch as your friend dies? They are yours to command. Just like they are mine."
[Ryu] "Sh-shut up..."
"There is more to your semblance than merely chatting with the creatures of Grimm. Especially after receiving your "fathers" gift"

Through the aching headache I look towards the scene in front of me. By the looks of it, Jaune is managing to hold his own. There's a slash across the Ursa's stomach. The Ursa knocks Jaune behind it when he tries for a leaping attack and charges towards him as he looks at his scroll to determine his Aura level, getting angry and charging towards the already charging Ursa.

[Ryu] "*quietly* stop."

The Ursa seems to head my words and stops its charge, instead opting to swing down its paw at the charging hunter-in-training. As the Ursa's attack is about to hit, a dark red glow surrounds his shield for a moment, causing it to lift up and block the strike. Jaune uses the surprise defensive motion to lean on the ground, push his shield back up and swing his blade right through the Ursa's neck. The decapitated Ursa falls to the ground in two pieces as it dissipates into thin air.

[Ruby] "*as Pyrrha's hand stops glowing red and she smiles.* Uhhh... What?"
[Weiss] "*equally amazed* How did you?"
[Pyrrha] "Well, Ruby has her speed, you have your glyphs. My semblance is polarity.
[Ruby] "Whoa, you control poles..."

I didn't have time to adore the cute little red and black idiot as my head started throbbing again. This time was so bad I just had to get out of there and hope nobody noticed me. A few moments later, I found a nice little hidden tree that I could use for support as I slumped down next to it.

"Good job. Like this, you may be useful to me yet my child."
[Ryu] "what...did I...say before. ...shut up!"
"You cannot block me out forever. The moment you slayed your first Grimm, was the moment you became mine"
[Ryu] "I don't know who... you are... but I don't belong to anyone!"
"Perhaps now is too soon then. A small piece of information though for doing so well? I know where you are now. And my people will be coming for you."
[Ryu] "bring it... bitch."
[Pyrrha] "Ryu? Are you alright?... you-your eye... its black..."

What? But isn't that... it's like the Grimm...

[Ryu] "please... don't tell Ruby..."
[Pyrrha] "..the girl.. or the team?"
[Ryu] "either..."
[Pyrrha] "...okay, but, you should get someone to take a look at that."
[Ryu] "I'll be fine... I just need to rest... a bit.."

I passed out.

- Ruby

We're finally back from Dinner which was as good as ever, though, Ryu didn't show up for some reason...

Weiss was the first person to enter the room when-

[Weiss] "Hey! What do you think you're doing! Get out of my bed!"
[Yang] "what's going on?"
[Ruby] "Ryu?"

Ryu was under the covers of Weiss' sheets in her bed. That didn't last for long though as Weiss pulled the sheets out from under him causing him to fall to floor... not... getting up... Ryu? He's sweating like crazy and he looks like he's having trouble breathing.

[Weiss] "huh?"
[Ruby, Yang & Blake] "Ryu!"

Blake put her ears close to his chest.

[Blake] "his heartbeat isn't right."
[Ruby] "what do we do!? What do we do!?"
[Yang] "Take his clothes off!"
[Everyone] "what!?"
[Yang] "his clothes might be restricting his breathing and he looks overheated!"
[Weiss] "r-right.."

Blake and Yang proceeded to take off Ryu's jacket and and undershirt, revealing his toned body beneath it and-... this is the time to be thinking like that!

[Yang] "now the pants!"
[Ruby] "Yang!"
[Yang] "oh, sorry, It kinda got away from home there.."
[Blake] "we should get him on one of the beds."
[Weiss] "w-well he's not getting in mine!"
[Yang] "I'd offer mine but I move around so much in my sleep I'd probably end up kicking him off."
[Blake] "..."
[Ruby] "He can sleep in mine."

W-what did I just say? First I kiss him and now I'm putting him in my bed? What kind of person am I becoming?... no... no, this is for the health of one my teammates from my team to which I am it's leader.

[Weiss] "Ruby?"
[Yang] "*smirking* alright, lets get him up there!"

We all hoisted him up to the bunk I call my own that I'll be sharing tonight... with him...

[Yang] "you can get all red in the cheeks later! Help! Now! He's surprisingly heavy!"

Phew, we got him up there. I had to climb to the top and pull him up from there but it worked out in the end. Now... bed time?

[Yang] "sleep tight Ruby~!"
[Blake & Weiss] "..."

Lying next to Ryu in bed I was so close to his face that I could see all the pain he was feeling. I hugged him tight so that my head was resting on his chest. I could hear his irregular heartbeat and feel his breath on the top of my head. Eventually, very slowly, I could feel his body calming down, and I fell asleep...

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