Lip sync (3)

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One week later.
"Trixie? Time to get up baby." I groan in response as Katya shakes me.
"Ughhhhhh fuck off!" I reply as I roll over and let out a small scream to find Sharon, in full drag, right in my face.
"Time to get up." Sharon said as she smiled.
"Fine!" I said as I sat up and went to get in drag. As I was in the kitchen getting some breakfast, there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it!" I yelled as I opened the door to find RuPaul standing there.
"Ah, Trixie! How are you getting on?" She asked me,
"Uhh fine thank you!" I replied.
"Good, good. There's an assembly first thing so if everyone could meet in the hall in 30 minutes please. That's all."
"Thank you!" I shouted as she turned and walked away.
"What was that?" Alaska said as she walked in the kitchen.
"Oh, RuPaul wants us all in the hall in 30 minutes." I watched as Alaska's face dropped.
"Um guys.." She shouted while all the other girls piled into the kitchen.
"I-it's time." She said and all the other girls looked at each other with worry.
"G-guys, what's going on?" I asked nervously.
"We-" Willam was about to say. But, before she could continue. The bell rang, making all the girls leave the house.
We all flooded into the hall and sat down, our house taking up one row. I could feel the nervousness of everyone around me. I was confused as to why everyone was so nervous but before I could ask, RuPaul spoke.
"Good morning ladies. Today is the lip sync battle where two queens who have stood out this week, for the good and bad, will lip sync for their place at this school." I fidgeted in my seat as I heard those words.
"I've been watching you all very closely and the students I've chosen to lip sync are..." The whole room held their breath,
"Detox Icunt and Katya Zamolodchikova." My stomach dropped. Katya couldn't leave me. I needed Katya. She kept me sane. All these thoughts were rushing around my head, making me shake. All of a sudden toxic by Brittany Spears came on and stood on the stage was Katya, who looked like she was about to die. And Detox, her body was practically all silicone so I couldn't tell how she was feeling.

Katya's POV.
As I stood on the stage, I looked up at Trixie who looked as nervous as I did. She needed me. She was broken. But I needed her too. She made me feel safe. I loved her. I had to win this for her. I looked at the floor, the nerves taking over my body. When Toxic came on, I felt the adrenaline flow through my veins as i paced up and down the stage, giving my everything. I was death dropping and doing the splits all over the stage, showing body and fierceness. Detox had nothing on me. I sighed as the music ended and patted the sweat off my forehead. I looked back up at Trixie and smiled. She smiled back and that gave me confidence.
"Well, girls, that was, quite a performance. But, I do have to send one of you home." I held my breath tight.
"Katya, shantay you stay." I sighed and before I knew it I was rolling on the floor with tears on my cheeks. When I stood up, RuPaul continued.
"Detox I'm sorr-"
"Bitch I'm out of here don't worry. You made a mistake keeping freak here but each to their own I guess. Phi Phi I love you, you bitch. Roxxxy, your a cunt. I love you. Bye fuckers." She stared me down and left the hall without letting RuPaul finishing. I just rolled my eyes.
"Comdragulations, Katya. You may leave the stage."
"Thank you." I said as I left the stage and sat next to Trixie.
She grabbed my hand and kissed me before pulling away,
"well done baby." I smiled and grabbed her cheeks before forcefully but lovingly kissed her bright pink lips. I loved Trixie. That was it.

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