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"SHARON!" Courtney, yelled as she shut the door behind her. All the other girls watched. Courtney never got this angry, it was strange, kind of scary, a little bit cute, and really funny. I tried my best to hold in my laughs as the glare on her face tried to get more scary.
"What?" I said through a slight giggle. I was finding this whole situation quite amusing actually. Until I felt her hand slap my face.
"Bitch!" I said, holding my face. All the girls took a step back in horror.
"We're all going to get bollocked because of you and your anger issues!" She said. She looked like she was about to blow. She ran for me and I flinched but felt nothing. I looked up to see her fighting to break free from Willams arms. I pointed at her and laughed, knowing that her small frame couldn't escape Willams grip. And even if she did, she couldn't hurt me. She was too small. She finally gave up and Willam pulled her into a tight hug to calm her down.
"Woah, what the fucks going on in here?" Adore said, walking into the kitchen.
"Courtney slapped me." I said turning to face her. I know I shouldn't have said that, it would have made Courtney even angrier, but it was funny.
"Good one Court!" She said, giving Courtney a thumbs up, but she wasn't having it.
"Only because Sharon beat the shit out of Phi Phi and we're all going to get bollocked." She said, anger clear in her tone. I could help but burst out into laughter.
"Party!" Adore said, laughing and high giving me. With tears of laughter running down my face I sighed.
"Don't worry Court, Ru isn't going to bollock you, only me. Stop caring about your reputation, this is the haus of misfits, let it go." I said, wiping a tear off my face.
"Anyway," Willam said, Courtney still in her embrace.
"How's Trixie?" She asked, and all the other girls asked the same.
"Oh, she's fine, she's in the living room now. Katyas upstairs stress sleeping."
"Party." I said, mimicking her tone. She rolled her eyes at me and we all followed her into the living room and sat by Trixie.
"You okay?" Alaska asked, giving Trixie a hug.
"Yeah, I guess." She replied bluntly. Alaska rubbed her arm sympathetically and came and sat next to me. She rested her head on my shoulder and I grabbed her hand.
"Trixie?" We looked to the bottom of the stairs where Katya stood. Trixie snapped her head up. Katya ran over to her and gave her a massive hug before planting her lips onto Trixies. They hadn't spoken since yesterday and things had been tense.
"I love you." She whispered into Trixies ear while they hugged. A tear rolled down Trixies face and down Katyas neck,
"I love you too." She replied. There hug was broken by a knock at the door.
"Oh god we're going to be in so much trouble." Courtney said as she hid her face in Willams chest.
"No you won't babe. Don't worry." Willam stroked her head reassuringly.
"Calm down Aussie." I said as I got up and answered the door. When I opened it, RuPaul was standing there.
"Ahh Sharon! Can you come with me please?" There was a stern, serious look on her face. I gulped knowing what was coming.
"Told you Courtney!" I said as I followed Ru to her office. Her office was completely pink. Everything was pink. The walls, the ceiling, the floor. Even the furniture was pink. All except for Phi Phi. I hated all the pink but I hated Phi Phi more. I sat down next to Phi Phi on a pink couch and she glared straight through me.
"Girls." Ru said, causing our glare to break apart.
"So, it has come to my attention that there has been a fight. Two, in fact. As you know, drag is a non- contact sport and therefore there will be consequences for your actions. Now, will one of you care to tell me what happened?" I breathed in to begin speaking before Phi Phi cut me off.
"Sharon kneed me in the stomach. I did nothing. She just came up to me and-"
"You nearly killed Trixie!" I interrupted. We started arguing on top of each other.
"Girls!" RuPaul shouted. We both jumped and stopped arguing immediately.
"Now, Phi Phi, would you care to explain what happened? Sharon I'll come to you in a minute now stay quiet." I nodded and sat back in my chair.
"Well, I was walking with Roxxxy back to our house when Sharon came up to me. She started calling me all these names like 'tired ass showgirl' and other things. I did nothing wrong. She the. Proceeded to knee me in the stomach and kick me on the floor repeatedly. I have no idea where she's coming from with Trixie, I was at school all day."
"I never! I kneed you and that was it! You-"
"Sharon! Thank you Phi Phi. Now, Sharon would you care to explain what happened?"
"Phi Phi beat Trixie to a pulp. She nearly killed her. So I called her a tired ass showgirl. I was going to leave it at that. But she decided to come at me and tell me go back to party city where I belong. I lost it and kneed her but that was it. She's making up shit so you'll pick her side."
"Okay, well. One, Sharon no swearing and two, I do actually find Phi Phi's story more believable." I suddenly felt my body shake with anger.
"What?" I said, I found this whole situation hard to believe.
"Okay, so, Trixies at home, having nearly been beaten to death. Who is that if it wasn't Phi Phi?" I was raising my voice now.
"And yeah I beat Phi Phi but she deserved it!" I stood up and ran out of the room.
"Sharon!" Ru called as her and Phi Phi followed me. All of my house were waiting outside the door so they followed behind. Katya was helping Trixie slowly, but they followed. I'd had enough, I ran out of the school gates as nearly all the school was following me.
"Sharon stop." RuPaul called. I stopped and turned to see nearly the whole school watching me. I looked at Ru not realising I was standing in the middle of the road.
"What? Are you just going to lecture me about how Phi Phi's right and-"
"SHARON!" I looked at Alaska as she called out my name, her hand out. I was about
to reply when I felt a sharp pain in my ribs. As I fell i felt my head smash against the floor, pain riddling my body. I tried to yell but everything went black.

Longer chapter to make up for the last one :)

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