Texting Willam? Pt.2 (19)

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Alaska🐴: Willam where are you this isn't funny?
Adore🍕: Lask which way did you and Sharon go?
Sharon👻: We went left from the post, where did you go?
Courtney🐨: we went right.
Adore🍕: is it just me, or does it smell weird round here?
Sharon👻: it smells normal over here.
Alaska🐴: yeah what does it smell like?
Courtney🐨: it kinda smells like burning.
Adore🍕: yeah...
Alaska🐴: okay, just be careful. Try not to run into any fires.
Adore🍕: very funny lask.
Bianca👹: are you guys Okay? Have you found Willam yet?
Courtney🐨: no, how's Katya?
Adore🍕: ^^
Bianca👹: idk. But she's probably better than Trixie. She's pretty shaken up.
Adore🍕: look after them Okay?
Bianca👹: I am. Gtg, stay safe guys x
Sharon👻: you too
User_528: help me
Alaska🐴: who is this?
User_528: it's Willam. Please help me. The person who you're texting isn't me! They took my phone. And they want to kill us.
Courtney🐨: Willam!! Oh my god are you okay? Where are you?
Alaska🐴: court, how do we know this is Willam?
User_528: it is me. Trust me. I need your help. Idk where I am. But it's really dark and it smells like burning. Help me, please?
Adore🍕: I smelled burning earlier!
Sharon👻: Willam were coming to find you don't worry!
Willam🔪: you shouldn't have done that...
Courtney🐨: who is this? Where's Willam.
Willam🔪: I told you, that'd be telling ;)
Alaska🐴: this isn't funny. I'm calling the police.
Willam🔪: you do that, you die.
Alaska🐴: how are you gonna kill me?
Sharon👻: Alaska leave it.
Adore🍕: Alaska don't phone the police, you said yourself someone would get hurt.
Courtney 🐨: Alaska?
Adore 🍕: Lask?
Message seen by Alaska 🐴, +4
User_528: shit lask? Are you okay?
Courtney 🐨: Sharon? Are you and Alaska Okay? Please answer us?
Sharon👻: I'm going home.

Sharon👻 left the chat.
User_528: shit now what.
Adore🍕: just you and me court.
Courtney 🐨: can I go home?
Adore🍕: no. You need to stay with me and be strong, we're going to find Willam okay.
Courtney 🐨: okay.
Willam🔪: now will you do as I say?
Adore 🍕: y-yeah
Willam 🔪: good. lets play a game of hide and seek. you hide and ill come and find you. if i find you, you die.
Adore🍕: yeah...
"Who's that?" Courtney said, pointing a shaky finger at a figure in all black standing ahead of them. The glow of the screen from a phone lit up the mans big face that was hidden under a thick, black hood. Adore looked up at the man before looking down at Courtney. Courtney looked up at Adore slowly as they both breathed heavily, their hearts beating fast. Adore shook her head slowly as she turned back to face the man who seemed to have gotten closer. They froze and their breathing stopped as the 'ping' of a text message rung loud through the silence of the moment. With shaking hands, Adore pulled her phone out of her pocket and read the message while Courtney's eyes stayed glued to the man in black. Tears welled up in the girls eyes as a lump formed in her throat. Without moving her gaze, Courtney spoke in a low whisper,
"What did it say?" Adore swallowed.
"Found you." The man lifted his head to reveal a huge, menacing grin, spread across his large, chiseled face.
"Run." Courtney whispered before they both bolted off in the opposite direction. The loud thudding of the heavy, muscular mans feet on the ground pushed them harder. They were fast, but he was faster. Their lungs hurt but they couldn't stop running. They had to find Willam and get back home. They had to find Willam and go back to to the police. Courtney stopped running when the loud thud from her friend echoed through the forest.
"Adore?" She shouted as she turned around to see her friend lying on the floor. She ran over and knelt next to her friend. "Adore we need to go!" She said, failing to pull her friend up off the floor. Adore screamed loudly in pain as she fell back on the floor.
"i can't, I'm stuck." Adore said, grabbing her leg in pain. "just go without me. I'll be fine. Please, go find Willam, he's coming." Courtney looked up to see the man running towards them in the distance.
"o-okay. I love you." she said, tears falling down her face as she leaned over and kissed Adore lightly on her forehead. Hearing the man in the distance was a clear sign she should leave, So, she got up and ran. Ran faster and further than she did before, hoping she could lose him.

She was wrong.

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