Giggle & Princess (2)

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Katya opened the door we walked inside and as everyone looked up and saw me they crowded round. I suddenly started feeling very trapped and began to shake. Everyone began to introduce themselves.
"Hiiieeeeeeeeee! I'm alaskaaaaa. And I like Sharon Noodles."
"Hi! I'm Sharon NEEDLES Alaska, I hate it when you call me noodles!"
"Sorry noodles."
"Anyway, I like satan!"
"Sup? I'm Adore and I like pizza!"
"Heyyyy bitchhhh! I'm Willam and I'm a whore?" She said giggling.
"And I'm Courtney act. I was a finalist on Australian Idol!" All the girls rolled there eyes. I was still feeling trapped with them talking all at the same time. It was too loud and it felt like the space between us was getting smaller. I looked at Kayta and she looked straight in my eyes and could see the fear bubbling deep inside.
"Guys! Leave her alone! Give Trixie some space!" I smiled a thank you at her and she winked at me as all the other girls took a step back with apologetic eyes.
"This is Trixie Mattel and she's a cute little barbie!" We all giggled before Adore spoke up,
"So, girl, where you staying?"
"Well I was actually going to ask Visage if she could stay here if that's okay with everyone?" Kayta replied and all the other girls cheered at the thought.
"Is that okay with you love?" Katya turned back to me,
"Um, yeah I- I guess so!"
So that was that and we were on our way to vice principal Mrs Visage's office.

As we walked out Kayta and I had huge smiles on our faces.
"I can't believe she said yes!" I turned to Katya as we walked down the hall.
"So that's that then kiddo, your one of us now. We're the misfits of the school. But everyone likes us... Apart from those." She said pointing to two girls walking in our direction. They stood in front of us with harsh glares,
"Hey contour!" One of them said as they pushed me into the wall.she stood right In Front of me so that I could feel her hot breath on my face.
"Why you looking at freak like that huh? No one would want to date you, not even the misfits. It's pointless trying to get her. Everything you do is pointless. Your pointless." She turned around, whipping me with her wig.
"Fuck off Phi Phi! Just because your insults are shitty and you can only get girls because they feel sorry for you, doesn't mean you can pick on other people!" Katya said trying to be strong, but inside she was terrified.
"Freak," Phi Phi said before linking arms with the other girl.
"Come on baby, there's no point wasting our time on these misfits. Let's go."  And with that, they walked away. Katya turned around and ran over to my body that was still pinned against the wall and hugged me tightly.
"That was Phi Phi O'Hara and her girlfriend Roxxxy Andrews. Don't worry about them, I won't let them hurt you." She said as she patted away my tears being careful not to ruin my paint.
"It's true, what she said. I am pointless. Everything I'm doing is pointless. No one would want to date me. I don't know why I'm even here. I don't know what pe-"
I started as the tears fell down harder.
"Right, let me stop you right there. You are not pointless, you are amazing. You are beautiful, funny, kind and all the other things under the sun. Your here because you have talent and RuPaul saw it. You deserve this. And, everyone would kill to date you, I know I would."
I looked up at her as she said those words and without removing her hand from my face, our lips crashed and I felt the energy between us. She pulled away,
"I love you Trixie Mattel, remember that." I smiled,
"I love you too Katya, I really do."
She grabbed my hand and we walked back to the house.
"There's a few things you need to know if your coming to live with us. You'll get no sleep, homework is no longer a priority, and all we do is drink and party. As far as the rules go 1, no Kai Kai, but ignore that no one has to know. 2, no fighting unless it's in bed. And 3, well, it's meant to be, just be a generally nice person and shit but that's common sense." I giggled at the rules as she unlocked the door.
"You giggle an awful lot, I'm going to call you giggle!" All I could do was giggle and grab her hands.
"And I'm going to call you princess because you make my life worth living."
She kissed me again but this time it was more passionate and powerful but still gentle and loving. All the girls gathered round the door and 'awww'd' before Willam shouted
"KATYA YOU SLAG YOU DONT KNOW HER!" All the girls laughed.
"YOU TOO TRIXIE!" She added,
Katya pulled back and turned to them, placing her arm around me,
"All I need to know is that I love my giggle."
"I love you too princess." I replied, kissing her cheek.
"And actually," Katya continued,
"I'm a whore. Whores get paid."
"ANYWAY," Sharon interrupted,
"Shall we go get you stuff?"
So me and all the girls went to go get my 5 bags, which turns out was the limit. When we got back p, we unpacked my stuff.
"Trixie where do you want this?" Courtney asked, holding up a small black box.
"Oh... Uhhhh.... Nothing! Just.. Ummm.. Put it... Give it here!" I snatched the box and threw it on the bed.
"Oh... Sorry?" Courtney questioned what was in it.
"Sorry, I-it's private."
"Oh, okay, that's fine." She added, as she carried on unpacking my suitcases.
When we were finished the other girls went downstairs and I stayed up for a bit. I put all the empty suitcases under my bed and put the box in them.
I stood up and looked at the room. It was perfect. There was 7 beds all lined up on one wall with bed side tables next to them. The bed orders went; Courtney, Willam, Adore, me, Katya, Sharon, Alaska. On the opposite wall was a massive wardrobe for drag and two smaller wardrobes either side for guy clothes. At the end of each bed there was a chest for our makeup and things and then there was four vanities, two on either side, with benches to sit. There was fairy lights strung everywhere that was possible. Everything was white and gorgeous with just pops of colour, apart from Sharon's bed, which was black. Through the hall to the right was a bathroom and across the hall was a master bedroom with an ensuite bathroom for "study"! This place was perfect and I was glad I finally got to call these people friends and this place family.

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