Courtney? (25)

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I ran out of the toilets and went straight home, I couldn't stay in that school any longer. After fumbling with the key, I successfully opened the door and ran inside. I threw my bag on the table and sprinted up the stairs, flopping on my bed and sobbing into my pillow.

Could this day really get any worse?

I stopped, noticing the house was unusually quiet, but I figured Courtney was in the other room, sleeping. I stood up, wiped my eyes and walked over to the other room.  I knocked on the door lightly, but there was no answer. Part of me wanted to burst through the door, hug her, and never let go; but the other half of me was revolted by the thought of seeing her, especially after what I'd just done. I knocked on the door again, harder this time; yet still, no one answered. I twisted the door knob and opened the door slightly, just enough so i could see the bed. My heart sunk when I realised the bed was empty. I swung the door open and ran to the bed, only to find a note on the pillow.

Thank you for looking after me these past few weeks, and making me feel like I was finally loved and cared about. But, I can't do this anymore. I couldn't live like this. I was in constant pain every single day, never knowing what day would be my last. I'd had enough. So, I decided that today, July 10th 2018 is my last day. I love you all so so much, thank you again. I'm sorry.

You're my rock, my life, my best friend. And I can't thank you enough for sticking by me all those years. All the years we've known each other, not once did you leave my side. I love you so much, but I need you to be strong for the rest of the haus, you are an amazing person and I'd hate to see anything happen to you. I love you

We've had our ups and downs, but I honour and respect you so much, and I'm so proud of how far you've come since we first started, and how much of an amazing person you've matured into (even if you still like to hit people). You're the backbone to this haus and I need you help look after everyone now I'm gone, and stay strong. I love you

Thank you for being there for me all these years, you've always had my back, and although I may not have shown it, I am incredibly grateful for that. Because of you, my drag has improved massively over these past years. I love you

Brian (K),
You are the funniest person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and you've made my life 100x better. Thank you for making me laugh through some of my darkest times, I'm so thankful for that. Please look after Trixie, she needs you more than you know. But you need her too. I love you

Brian (T),
I haven't known you for very long, but in that time I have known you, you have showed me that sometimes being strong doesn't mean you have to put on a brave face and be happy, sometimes it means letting go and crying until you can't cry anymore. You are one of the strongest people I have ever met and I know that if anyone can get through a hard time and come out the other side, wiser and happier, it's you. I love you

you didn't think I'd forget you, did you? Where do I start with you? I have been in love with you since I first laid my eyes on you. Your smile can light up a room as quickly as a light could and your eyes are brighter than Einstein. We've had our ups and downs (mainly downs lately) but that doesn't mean I ever stopped loving you. You have made me so happy and I can't thank you enough for that. You have made me realise that even when times get rough, you'll always be there for me when I need it most. I love you from the bottom of my heart and I will continue to do so until way after the world ends. I love you

I love you all so much, and I know you can get through this. You are the strongest bunch of people I have ever met and I know that you know it too.
I love you,

Shane/ Courtney ♡

'Courtney'. My hands were shaking so much and my eyes were blurry from all the tears, I could barely read the last paragraph. I threw the paper down and ran to the bathroom.
"Courtney!" I yelled, the lump in my throat causing me to choke on my words. I rattled the doorknob, only to find that the door was locked. I banged on the door as hard as I could with my shoulder, eventually breaking the lock and swinging the door open. On the floor, lay Shane, sleeping peacefully with an empty pill bottle in his relaxed hand, and a blade next to it. His arms, hands and neck were completely red with blood, a long open wound going across his forearms, and along his neck. A puddle of blood pooled beneath him. I screamed as I ran and sat next to him. Checking his pulse, I let out loud, ugly sobs. I grabbed his lifeless hand and squeezed it tight, shaking him, begging him to wake up. "I need you Shane!" I whispered loudly between harsh sobs. I didn't want to give up on him but I had no choice. I took the other hand and squeezed them both, not caring about the blood all over me. I held him tight as I sobbed into his chest, hoping that I could pass my life onto him, and bring him back.

"Fuck!" I heard Adore scream as all the other girls piled up outside the door. I looked up  to see all the girls shocked, tears threatening to fall from their eyes. Adore ran over and sat next to me, causing me to collapse on her shoulder in sobs. She cried with me and she squeezed me tight but I could feel her holding Courtney's hand.

Trixie just stared. She began hyperventilating but she couldn't move. Her eyes stayed glued to Courtney and her feet stayed glued to the floor.
"Come on, Brian." Katya said quietly, tears falling fast from her eyes. You could tell she was trying to be strong for Trixie even though it hurt. She pulled Trixie away, from the bathroom and went downstairs. Sharon and Alaska ran. I don't know where they ran, but they did.

Sharon's POV
We walked through the door to hear someone sobbing loudly upstairs. We followed the noise and all stopped dead in our tracks when we reached the bathroom door. There was blood pooled and smeared everywhere, as well as a blade and an empty pill bottle. Willam was knealt on the floor sobbing into Courtney, who was laying peacefully on her lap.
"Fuck!" Adore yelled, running to sit with Willam. Trixie just stood there while Katya tried to coax her out of the room. I grabbed Alaska's hand and ran out of the house, back to school.
"Where are we going?" Alaska said, holding in her tears.
"To RuPaul and Visage." I said, trying to do the same. When we reached the school, everyone was staring at us. We opened RuPaul's door without even knocking, and barged in. She was sat there with Visage, having some sort of meeting.
"Ladies, I'm in a mee-" RuPaul started,
"You have to come quick," I said in between breaths. "It's Courtney, she's- she's" I choked up trying to finish the sentence. Alaska rubbed my back to calm me down but I just started sobbing. Alaska gave them a look and they soon followed. This was the first time I'd seen RuPaul run and probably the last. They followed us back to the house and ran upstairs ahead of us. By this point, there was a crowd outside our house, and of course, Phi Phi was in the front.
"You!" I screamed, pointing at her.
"Sharon." Alaska shouted back, grabbing my arm and dragging me inside.

She took me to the master bedroom where she guided me to my bed. Even though the door was shut, I could still hear everything that was going on. I just put my hands over my ears, my head in my knees and sobbed. Alaska squeezed me tight as she sobbed onto my shoulder. It wasn't long before I could hear the sirens edging closer, and Willam and Adore walked out of the bathroom. Willam was covered in blood and was being supported by Adore. He face was completely emotionless as she sat on her bed and just stared at the bathroom door.


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