Together Forever

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sorry if it's crappy but i really want to start on a new book involving taekook


"STOP!!!" Yelled a crying girl with short sliver hair.

"Lisanna? What are you doing here?" Natsu asked as he glared at her. "YOU CAN'T JUST BREAK UP WITH ME!!! AND TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE SOMEONE ELSE!!" Natsu blushed madly covering his face with his hand and yelled back,"S-SHUT UP I DIDN'T  SAY THAT.." Sting glared at him , "Doesn't matter what you said, you can't take Lucy.. I won't allow it."
"What makes you think I want your approval?" Natsu sarcastically asked raising an eyebrow after finally composing himself. "Listen to me when I'm talking!!" Lisanna interrupted while getting in between Natsu and Sting wiping her tears as she glared back at Natsu. "Hey girl, move..." Sting muttered too furious to say it any louder without yelling. Lisanna looked at Sting and slightly shook her head. "Lisanna go away, you're in the way." Natsu sternly commanded, without hesitation Lisanna flipped Natsu off and mumbled a 'fuck you' before she walked past them all not looking back, leaving a slightly taken aback Natsu.

Lucy's POV

I softly whistled as I headed back to our stationed corner. I turned to the right almost bumping into someone. "Crap! I'm sorry." I apologize as I examine the person. "Yea.." The girl said, or should I say Lisanna. She was going to continue walking but I called out to her, "Lisanna!" She stops and only looks back. "Wow, you don't even apologize, you're such a bitch!" I shout to her annoyed. "Look I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you, I get it, I was just being petty...I'm sorry.. I just wanted Natsu to like me back, which will obviously never happen." She gives me a small smile before she makes a run for it. Wiping her tears as she ran made me extremely guilty. "I'm sorry Lisanna.. I was just jealous of you back then.." I mumble in guilt in the direction she had just left. I sigh as I head back.

Lisanna's POV

I ran hoping that my legs would take me anywhere but here. I was so embarrassed and heartbroken and just wanted to cry my eyes out. Natsu is so not worth it. I come to a halt when I reach outside the building. I sit on a nearby bench and place my face on my hands. "Shit.. stop crying.." I mumble to myself in effort to stop my falling tears. I think of everything that ever happened between Natsu and I. He never really ever seemed to be into me, I was just always there.. It really only was a one-sided love. My first love didn't feel anything for me. I stay sitting for what seemed liked hours until someone sits beside me. I look up with me tear stained face and see Bixslow leaning his head back on the bench. He had his eyes closed and his arms were extended on either side of the bench. I immediately envied the man for looking so carefree. I wiped my eyes and got up, taking a few steps forward only to get my wrist pulled back. I stopped and stared at him in confusion. "Are you done crying?" He asked, his purple eyes staring a me in wonder, while his smirk said otherwise. "I don't know what you're talking about." I say pulling on my wrist trying to get away. Bixslow stands up, towering over me. "There's no reason for you to cry over an idiot, Cupcake."
The nickname rolled out of his mouth like it was nothing, it honestly made me feel something for him. I down feeling that my face was becoming red. "I know.." I mumble before he hugs me, his arms above my shoulders, making my face touch his chest. I stand there in shock before I start sniffling again and at the sudden affectionate action and tightly wrap my arms under his and grip onto his back, letting all my tears out.

Lucy's POV

Once I arrived everyone was already waiting for me. "Hey guys, sorry I took a while." I sheepishly say. "Lucy took you long enough." Sting said as gave a me a smile in return. I stared at his beat up face in confusion. "Sting...What happened to you?" He avoids my eye contact and responds, "It was my turn for the game and.. you know.. I kinda got beat up."
That was a complete lie, he only ever looked away if he was lying, but I didn't want to push him. Mira cut in, "But hey, he won!!" she giggles excitedly while clapping her hands. I smile at his adorableness.
After the games finished we headed outside, Sting pulled me apart from the group. "Lucy, I just want to say that I love you..and that I always will." He leans in and kisses me. I smile into the kiss and pull back wanting to say it as well. "I love you too." I hug him and look up to see him slightly blush before hugging my tightly in return. "Let's stay together forever!" He mumbles after a few moments of comfortable silence. "Sting did you just propose to me?" His eyes go big in realization. He covers his face trying to hide the blush and stumbles upon his words trying to form a sentence. I laugh loudly as he gains his composure. "I promise I have something better in mind, but I guess this is the pre-proposal." Sting kisses my forehead and then leans his own on my mine. "I can't wait." I whisper as Sting grins.

We'll together forever..


so i had kinda lost interest in this story but i wanted it to have a happy ending 🤷🏻‍♀️

i'm still going to go back and edit some chapters so...

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