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Louis' POV

We are in the shops walking casually down the long hallway. We are going to the baby shop now, we have so much stuff for them already, but they're going to be our first kids and I'm such an over-emotional fool when it comes to babies. I want my kids to have everything they want and need, Harry and I have all the money we could ever need, so why not use it to make out kids happy? My pattern of thinking may also have something to do with the fact that I grew up with a lot of siblings. Now I'm not saying my parents didn't make sure we had everything we needed, but sometimes it was tough the stretch the money between the bills and all of the kids. 

"So what exactly are we getting?" Harry spoke up and said as we walked through the doorway of the shop.

"Uhm I don't exactly know, we need a few more diapers, that's about it but I want to look around."  

"Okay, that sounds fine." He said smiling at me. 

I looked down at Harry's hand wrapped around my smaller one and remembered all the times when we were walking in public, and I wasn't allowed to hold his hand. I wasn't allowed to intertwine our hands in love. I wasn't allowed to feel the warmth of his massive hand engulfing mine. I wasn't allowed to express my love, and that was more bullshit than Larry would ever be.

Harry caught me looking at his hand and smiled warmly at me and raised our hands up to his lips pressing a gentle, warm kiss to the back of mine, and I smiled at the feeling of not having to hide. Even though some people will disapprove of us, I really don't care I'm tired of hiding myself for the benefit of everyone else. 

There was nobody in the store, or rather the entire shop. Our management rented it out for us for a few hours so I wouldn't be seen with my giant baby bump, because that would be a huge call to attention. 

I let go of Harry's hand and sent him off to get four more boxes of diapers, and I turned down a random aisle of clothes. I ran my hand along the fabrics as I walked down the aisle but I stopped when I came to the newborn section. I picked up a jumper and held it up, it's crazy to think that our babies are going to be that small. I smiled to myself and put the jumper back and skimmed over the clothes. My eyes stopped when they came in contact with a cute little tutu. It was pink and black with a sequin waistband and a flower on the side, it also came with a headband that matched perfectly (picture on the side) I picked two of them up off the rack for Darcy and Azalea. I also picked up a little white onesie that said "I'd flex, but like this onesie for Tommmy(also on the side). I also picked up two pairs of pink shoes and a blue pair for them (once again on right)

I wandered off to find Harry, but when I found him I couldn't help but take a picture. He was standing in the aisle of baby toys trying hard to decide what to get them. His eyebrows were furrowed together as e scanned over the items. I giggled a little when he just threw all six of the toys in the cart, and he looked up when he heard me giggle. I walked over and put the things I choose in the cart and laughed a bit when I saw he had gotten not four, but eight boxes of diapers and about thirteen more bottles, I swear this man is more paranoid than me but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I went up to him and stood on my toes and kissed him softly, but quickly. We then walked over to the checkout, paid for our things, and went to get some food because I'm starving. 


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