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I present to you the roller coaster ride of chapter 10

Ps if you haven't followed me already please do(:

Harry's P.O.V (sorry for jumping around....again..)

I sat there in complete shock...96, 96% that Louis, my Louis could die. I can't lose him, I really just can't. I was a broken lonely boy before I met Louis, he is my world, my everything. Meeting him and getting to love him made me know that life is full of happiness and laughter and warmth. I can't live in a world without him, hell I can't even go a day without seeing his beautiful face without having withdrawal let alone the rest of my life. I don't want to get rid of the babies but I CAN NOT lose my Louis, I refuse.

"Louis you can't... we can't" I whispered. "I can't-I can't lose you"

He looked over at me shocked "You-you want to kill your children?" He spat

"I-I can't lose you. I want a family with you, don't ever doubt that, but I can't lose you" I said my voice cracking at the end.

"Harry I'm a strong lad I can pull through this, you'll have me and The babies. A family, our family"

"Louis there is a 96% chance you won't that is 95% too much for me to handle," I said raising my voice a bit, it made me angry that he wasn't choosing his own health.

Dr, Graceffa stepped in halting all arguments to come. "Boys calm down, I can see you two are nowhere near agreeing on a decision at this point, I suggest you go home and come to an agreement, decide, and in two days' time before you are back in the public we can do what needs to be done, either give you the shot or give you an abortion." he said matter-of-factly " But I also need to inform you of the other side effects from the medication. There is liver disease, Lung failure, heart failure, lung cancer, and other major organ failures, and as you both already know...Death."

I let out an exasperated breath that I didn't even realize I was holding. This-this can't be happening. No, he can't go through this he just can't. If he does I could lose my Louis forever, my LouBear, My Boobear. It feels like only yesterday he told me he loved me


I was standing in front of the stove in the flat Louis and I share, stirring the meat in front of me and humming a tune to myself. I was cooking fajitas because Louis loves them too much, and I love to make him smile. I'm so glad we're best friends, I couldn't live in this world without him. I was lonely before, I got bullied a lot for being gay and such; Louis changed that for me. But now, nobody knows about me being gay because you see, we just got put in a boy band a week ago, and I can't come out because of our management. Louis is gay too and that makes me feel less awkward, and we don't have to hold a secret alone. I have had feelings rise for him recently though, but I can't tell him. If I do and he doesn't feel the same, it could ruin our friendship and I don't want that. I-I love him. Yes, I Harry Edward Styles love Louis William Tomlinson my fellow bandmate and best friend. Just as the thought passed, who walked in but Louis himself? He wore a cream-colored knit jumper that came to the middle of his thighs and a pair of skinny white jeans to match. His hair was flat with no product, sleek and shiny. He had his black-framed glasses perched upon his nose, and I smiled to myself because he sure was cute. 

I turned back around to tend to the fajita filling, stirring it around the frying pan. Louis came up behind me silently and wrapped his arms around my waist, head leaning against my back. 


"Louis what are you do-" he spun me around and connected our lips before I could finish.

So many things were racing through my head at the moment, but I kissed him back with passion, with all of the things I had been feeling for him for months.
I raised my hand to his cheek, cupping it gently in my large hand and tilting my head down to deepen it. I wrapped my other hand around his small waist setting it on his hip and pulling his body weight against my own. I dug my fingertips into the skin there, and it would definitely leave bruises, but I did that so I knew this was happening and that he wouldn't vanish like he did several times in my dreams. But no, this WAS happening right now I am now snogging the one and only Louis The Tommo Tomlinson!

Louis pulled away and rested our foreheads together and whispered "I love you Harry as more than a friend, but I feel like we both already knew that, be my boyfriend?"

and of course, I answered with a yes, and that led to a heated snog which led to me losing my virginity to him that very same night

++++++FlashBack End+++++++

We walked up the drive to our flat. Louis went in before me and ran up the stairs to our bedroom stomping every step he took, and slammed the door shut. I know he's mad and upset with me right now I do, but I'm upset too. I don't WANT to lose the babies but I CANT lose him. Losing him is not an option. I let out a long breathy sigh. I need to compromise with him somehow.

I turned to the staircase pausing for a moment at the landing at the bottom of them. I stared up at the corridor at the top toying with ideas of what to do. I decided to ascend them slowly, my feet slowly carrying me up them. When I got to the top I paused again before I walked to the door of our room. I stood with my hand on the doorknob not moving for what seemed like forever before deciding. "It's now or never," I whispered. I grabbed hold of the nob and turned it pushing the door open slowly. As soon as I stepped in Louis rushed over to me, flinging his frail body into my own, tears flowing from his eyes. I feel bad I made him cry but I love him too much to let him die.

"Please Harry PLEASE. Can I take the treatment and if I start to have problems, we can revisit abortion? I know you don't want to lose me Haz, thinking of me dieing, watching you be alone; it kills me. But I don't want to kill these babies Harry they are my babies. Our babies. Our FAMILY. Please if I have ANY problems ill get off of it! I will I PROMISE " I looked into his frantic sad eyes, his blue orbs glossed over with a layer of tears.

"Okay," I whispered then lent in to connect our lips in a passionate kiss. This is hard for me, but seeing him like this is hard for me too. I know this has to be a lot for Louis to process as well, the changes his body is going through, the excess of hormones they are about to pump him with, and the risks. At the end of the day, I want my boy to be okay. I am just going to have to trust that he would tell me if there are any issues, and will be smart when taking care of himself. 


In The Arms Of An Angel? - Larry Stylinson(Mpreg) EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now