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Warning: Talk of rape, alcoholism, and violence 



"Hello?" I questioned as I pressed the phone against my ear.

"Hello, Louis." The man on the other line replied in his raspy voice.

"Who is this?" I asked as I pulled the phone away from my ear to check the number, I didn't recognize it at all.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out the hard way. You see Louis, you know who I am, you just don't remember this second." He spoke

"no sorry I don't" I sighed, shaking my head even though he couldn't see me, I honestly don't know who he is.

"Come on love, yes you do." He said chuckling a bit, well he is a prick.

"DON'T CALL ME LOVE!!!! and no I don't!"

"Awh well that's a shame." he chuckled "But you might wanna keep that pretty boy of yours close to you, he could get in a terrible accident." He said his voice more sinister now.

I gasped "Alec" I whispered, I should recognize that voice anywhere now that I think about it. Chills crept their way up my arms and neck. 

"Good boy Louis you deserve a gold star." He laughed out sarcastically

"Why Alec? Why would you do something like that?"

"You promised we would get married one day remember? You said we would have kids of our own. Do you remember that Boobear?"

"That was before you went fucking psycho and stabbed my best friend. Any don't fucking call me that." I practically yelled down the phone. He had some nerve calling me again.

"He was coming on to you" He scoffed "You will be mine Tomlinson if it's the last thing I do, and your precious Harry will no longer be here with us to get in the way of our true love."

I just chuckled a little "What are you going to do, we have security guards around us all the times when we're out."

'First of all who said I was going to go out to get my revenge? Secondly, it would be a shame for your not-so-little pregnancy to get leaked to the public somehow."

I sucked in a sharp breath and held it in for what seemed like hours, my face turning the palest shade it could.

I'm not ready to tell them yet... I-Im not ready. Even if I were ready, it isn't any of Alec's business to tell anyone and I should be able to do it on my own time when I am ready "You wouldn't" I whispered.

"I would, now I want you to meet me in that little coffee shop down the street from the Tescos in a week's time. You remember that place don't you Louis that's where we first made love."

"YOU MEAN WHEN YOU FUCKING RAPED IN THE BATHROOM, YOU BASTARD." My entire body was shaking in pure hot rage, my hands trembling the worst barely able to hold the phone still.

"Louis please, you know you wanted it, now you best go check on your Hazza, wouldnt want anything to happen to him now, would we? I'll see you in a week love."

"No you fucking won't" I sneered and clicked the end button.

Without hesitation, I threw my phone against the wall watching it shatter and spread across the floor. I sat on the floor where I was standing as the tears began to fall down my face so violently I couldn't see. I guess Harry heard the noise and came to check on me because his strong arms wrapped around me in comfort pulling my body closer to his.

"What's wrong BooBear?" I winced at the name I had forgotten all about Alec coming up with that name - along with my mother of course -. It sounded so much prettier coming out of Harry's mouth, It still physically sickened me hearing that name come out of his mouth now,

I stood up, well more like crawled my way up the wall to get to my feet, but my baby bump got in the way. I looked over at Harry, and he got the memo and stood up to help me. I slowly walked my way over to where my phone lied on the floor. The screen was cracked everywhere, but I can get it fixed easily. I picked it up, and small pieces of the screen fell to the floor. I turned the screen on and typed in my password '2010' carefully,  it was a simple password but meant so much to me. it was the year the band was formed, but more importantly, it was the year I met Harry.

I opened up an app that Simon had put on our phones, it recorded all of our phone calls even if we don't want them to be. It's how management tried to play it off as a safety feature, but this is the first time I have ever actually used it. 

I clicked the most recent phone call hitting the play button,  I shoved my phone towards Harry's face and walked out of the room crying.

I can't handle Alec's shit anymore. he caused so many problems for me, I don't want anymore. When Alec and I first met he was charming and sweet to me. I found out a few months later that he has a serious drinking problem, becoming violent when he has a drink or twelve. He didn't like when I disagreed or had any opinion that did not coincide with his own. 

And that's when I heard it. the bang was followed by a scream from Harry. I then felt cold metal on my head, and everything went black.

In The Arms Of An Angel? - Larry Stylinson(Mpreg) EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now