Chapter 6

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"I'm so sorry about this," I say as we walk out of the restaurant.

"It's okay," Daniel says as we walk to his car, though I know he doesn't like that we had to cut this date short.

"No, it's not. I was really enjoying myself, but I really need to get home."

"Yeah, I understand, don't worry about it," Daniel says as we get into his car.

"I feel really bad though."

"Don't, it's not your fault. We'll finish our date some other time," Daniel says as he starts his car.

"Yeah, for sure," I say, though I have no idea when that will be. I know he has to leave soon for his next race, so when would he have time to go on a date with me again? Why would he make time for that?

"Why do you have to go home so soon actually?"

"Oh, just some family issues, that's all," I say, not wanting to tell him that the real reason Pascalle called is that Macy is sick.

"Oh, okay," Daniel says and I'm glad he drops it.

"Yeah, I really have to go back. I wouldn't have asked you to bring me home if it wasn't necessary."

"I know that."

"I just don't want you to think that I'm doing this because I wasn't enjoying our date. Because I was, a lot."

"I know that too. And I was enjoying it too."

"Good, I'm glad."

"Well, here we are," Daniel says as he pulls over in front of my apartment.

"Thank you. And once again, I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry about it, just make sure your family is okay. We'll do this again sometime soon."

"I will. And I'd really like that."

"Good, me too."

"Well, bye for now then," I say before this can get any more awkward. I undo my seatbelt and lean over to give Daniel a kiss on his cheek. But just at that moment, Daniel turns his head and because of that, my lips end up on his. Both of us freeze for just second, but once Daniel realizes what's going on, he puts his hand on my cheek and kisses me. Before I realize what I'm doing, I'm kissing him back. A familiar feeling comes rushing back. The feeling I had all those years ago, during our one night stand.

"I'll see you soon Lydia," Daniel says after he pulls away, a smile on his face.

"See you soon," I reply before getting out of the car. As I walk up to my apartment, a million thoughts are running through my head. Half of them are about Macy, the other half about Daniel and our kiss that just happened.

"Lydia? Is that you?" I hear Pascalle call out as I walk into the apartment.

"Yeah, it's me! Where are you?"

"Macy's bedroom," Pascalle replies and I quickly make my way over there. When I walk in, I see Pascalle sitting on the floor with Macy in her arms.

"What happened?"

"She stared crying so I checked on her and she had a high fever. Shortly after that, she started throwing up. She just fell asleep, but I have a feeling it's not over yet."

"My poor baby," I say as I stroke Macy's head. She's sound asleep on Pascalle's lap, but I can feel that she still has a fever.

"I'm sorry for calling, I just didn't know how bad it was."

"Don't apologize, she's my daughter and I should take care of her, especially when she's sick."

"But you were out on a date and I could manage."

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