Chapter 11

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"Are you okay?" Daniel asks as we get to his hotel room.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I sigh as I sit down on the bed. I seriously underestimated how many people would be waiting for Daniel at the airport and things didn't get any calmer by the hotel. People love the happy Aussie here.

"Okay good."

"What's on the agenda for the next few days?" I ask as Daniel sits down next to me.

"For you, nothing. Just enjoy the race and your time here. For me, a lot of things."

"So I'll be by myself a lot?"

"Unfortunately, yeah. It's not the way I want it either, but there's nothing I can do about it," Daniel says, looking very guilty.

"It's okay, I understand. It was last minute and you have responsibilities. It's fine, it really is."

"Okay, but you can always text me. And I'll be with you as much as I can," Daniel promises, making me smile.

"I'm good with that."

Turns out, Daniel didn't have that much time to spend with me. He was being dragged from one interview to the other and when he wasn't being interviewed, they needed him the garage for something. Things didn't get any better when the race weekend actually started, but luckily some of Daniel's team members were there to keep me company during the free practices and qualifying. During the race, however, it was all hands on deck. Which results in me now staring at a TV screen by myself, watching Daniel drive around the track along with the other drivers. He is actually doing pretty well and there's a huge chance he'll end up on the podium, which is amazing.

"Lydia?" I hear a familiar voice say and I look up to see Alice walking towards me.

"Alice? What are you doing here?" I ask surprised as we give each other a hug.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Daniel invited me."

"Daniel Ricciardo? Why?" Alice asks surprised and I don't blame her.

"Well, remember when I told you about Macy?"

"Yeah, you're daughter."

"She's actually Daniel's daughter as well," I say, making Alice's eyes widen.

"What? How?"

"We had a one night stand in Monaco a few years ago and I got pregnant."

"That's crazy! How does he feel about it? Was he mad?"

"No, not at all actually. He wants us to be together, which is why I'm here right now," I explain, making Alice smile.

"I'm really happy for you."

"Thank you. So tell me, what are you doing here?"

"They suddenly needed another grid girl and they asked me. Free trip to Mexico? Count me in!" Alice says, making me laugh.

"I bet, it's amazing here!"

"It is! And your man is doing pretty well," Alice says as she points at the screen, where Daniel is currently P5, behind his team mate Max and Sebastian Vettel.

"He isn't actually my man, not officially at least."

"He didn't ask you to be his girlfriend?"

"No, not yet at least."

"Didn't expect that, Daniel seems like the kind of guy to do that."

"Alice? We need you!" I hear a voice call out from outside the garage.

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