life goes on

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John got in the driver's seat of that black, 4 door, Chevy, Impala and drove off without goodbye's. Dean went to the bathroom turned on the water in the shower and before he got in he looked in the mirror and you could see the sadness, confusion, and heartbrokeness in his eyes. Before his tears streamed down his face he wiped his eyes and hopped in.

When he walked out of the bathroom, in his favorite red flannel shirt with a black t-shirt underneath and a pair of jeans, he saw Sam teaching Autumn the ABC's and the 123's. He waited until Autumn noticed and said "having fun over here?"
"Yep" said Autumn as she was looking for the expression of disapproval from him.
But instead he said "how about we give you a bath?...Hmm?"
"What am I supposed to do than?" Said Sam.
"I certainly can't do this by myself Sam." Said dean in a sophisticated manner.
"I don't wanna." Wined Sam
"Well Sam you can't shower till we give her a what's it gonna be?"
"Fine..." Said Sam.

So dean picks Autumn up and motions for Sam to follow. The trouble wasn't giving her a bath it was getting her in the bath. At first dean sat her down and she crawled away as fast as she could. Than he tried again and she did the same thing then he disides to have Sam hold her well that didn't work cause Sam wasn't holding her tight enough so she wiggled her way out. So finally he got her in the tub she started to splash water all over. But the boys didn't care because she was in the bath but than as they turn around for a second to find the kids shampoo she crawls out of the tub butt naked and crawls to the table leaving a trail of water behind. All the boys could do was laugh for a minute then dean grabs Autumn and puts her in the tub and finishes her bath.

Sam puts one of her favorite dresses on her than he takes a shower himself. After walking out of the bathroom in his blue flannel with a white t-shirt underneath and a pair of jeans, he continues the ABC's and the 123's with Autumn. As Dean sat down and read a book called diary of a wimpy kid . Shortly after that Autumn got tired of learning so she tries to get on the bed with dean but since she isn't big enough, and is only a year old, Sam lifts her up and sits her on the bed. She crawls right up to dean, who is still nose deep in his book, and starts trying to pull his book away. "Hey... What do you think your doing?..." Said Dean pretending to be mad.

So she tries to tickle him and he giggles. Then he tickled her and she started to laugh. So she says "stop... *Laughs* Sammy! Stop him."
" okay hey you there Dean stop." Said sam pretending to be mad at him.
"No way" said dean playfully.
"Well I tried... I guess if you can't beat him join him." Said sam.
So the all were just laughing and having fun. But Autumn starts to cough and cough so they stop tickling her and dean sits her straight up and down and pats her back.
"What's wrong?" Said Sam.
"I don't know maybe we should call Bobby?." Said dean in a kind of worried voice.
" Okay" said Sam.

"Hey um Bobby?"
"Ya is everything okay what's wrong?"
"No don't worry I wanted to ask you a question."
"OK go for it kiddo."
"Well we were just laughing and tickling Autumn and she started to coughing and she still hasn't stopped how do we stop it?"
"Well you need to first cool her down maybe get some ice... And when your dad gets back tell him what happened and if it keeps happening tell him to come see me."
"But dean she will be fine I'm sure it's nothing wrong she probably just got to hot while you guys were playing."
"Okay ... Well that's all I needed thanks Bobby."
"Of course dean any time."
" Bye Bobby."
" Bye dean."

So he turned to Sam and said" Bobby said we just need to cool her off and tell dad when he gets back and it it happens a lot then to take her to him."
"Okay" said Sam
So then dean went and grabbed some ice and put it in her sippy cup and gave it to her. She was still coughing but she took a sip anyway. Then when she finally cooled down she took a nap while Dean read his book to Sam. She was curled up right between them with one arm on each of them. Holding them close Sam and dean both kissed her on the forehead and told her they loved her. And she was sound asleep as dean went on reading aloud so Sam could hear him clearly. Than Sam fell asleep 20 min. later to the sound of his voice. Than Dean put the book down when he noticed Sam was asleep but than he saw he had a text message on his phone. So he looked to see who it was and it said it was from his dad and it said ~how's it going?~
~good they just fell asleep~. *click* he takes a picture of them all laying there in the bed and sends it to his dad.
~aww nice~
~when will you be back?~
~soon I promise look go to go see ya later.~
~k dad I love you.~
No response

Then dean lays his head back and falls asleep as well. Although he's worried about his dad he doesn't really care whats out there he just doesn't want to have to face it one day. He wants everything to stay all fun and games.

10 years later
Dean being 18 and all was fine and dandy for Autumn because it meant she had someone else to take her to school and pretty much anywhere else. Although her and Sam, who's 16, share a more profound bond she likes that deans a daredevil kind of person who just doesn't seem to care except for when it comes to family. Since Autumn is only 11 years old she still needed someone to take her places. When she was 7 John told her about the "family business" so now her, her brother's, and her dad do the same thing the only problem is that her and Sam are still in school. Sam actually is a senior in highschool, despite his age, he is really smart. He actually got excepted into Stanford university although he didn't know how to tell his dad. But when he finally told his dad, John was Furious over such words that came out of his mouth.
"Wait you just want to abandon your own family!"
"No dad I just want to go to college! I'm not running out on you guys!"
"What about your sister she still needs someone like you in her life to keep her on the right track of all this!"
"If you think she needs me so bad then let her come with me!"
"No! Sam No!"
"Why not I can give her the life she deserves!"
"You mean a life without family!"
"I am her family!"
"And so is dean and I!"
"Whatever fine than I'm going and there is nothing you can do to stop me!"
"If you walk out that door don't you ever come back do ya hear!"
"Ya ya loud and clear!"

Autumn Shae Winchester, A Hunters Sister.Where stories live. Discover now