Killer clowns

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So when I woke up this morning it was 5:30 A.m. So I took a shower and since I had extra time so I put on eyeliner and eyeshadow. Than my brothers had to be ass holes and made fun of me for it. "Woah autumn what's the make up for?" Asked sam
"Is it because of joe?" Said dean
"No I just wanted to be a little different today."
"I see are you sure it's not because of your little girlfriend?" Asked sam
"We aren't dating!" I said as I was about to slap the stupid out of sam.
"Autumn seriously do you like her or not?" Said dean
"I don't know ... I think so but ... I don't know." My face kind of dropped like they didn't have to ruin my mood this morning it was unnecessary. So I went to the bathroom and took off the makeup.
"It's okay we can talk after this case if you want ."
"Good so shut it about joe and lets talk about clowns." I said as I walked out of the bathroom throwing a rag a dean and sam.
"Get your badges and lets go than." Said dean while he was handing me my ID. So we jump in the car to go down to the fair grounds and sam and dean had to try and get a job. And they did but in the process dean pissed off some blind guy that throws knives it was the best thing I've seen all day.
Anyways when we got into the car after that we went to the crime scene and saw what was left of the parents. Let's just say sam was on the verge of puking cause he has a weak stomach. "You okay there Sammy?" Said dean with a smirk.
"Ya I'm fine."
Later back at the fair grounds.
"Dean can I have some money to go on some rides?" I said with big puppy dog eyes and a tilted head.
"No we are on duty."
"Ya you are what am I gonna do ?"
"You can go hang out with the clowns."
"Are you trying to kill me? No way they are scary as hell."
"Fine here's 20 don't spend it all right away."
"Thanks!" I said snatching the money out of his  hand. I walked around for 15 minutes just looking for a good ride, and I found that ride that goes up and down than half way up and down like 10 or so times. I absolutely love that ride and it was only $3 so I went on it twice. Than I went to a mirror house and I ran into glass, head first, about 5 or 6 times,but I don't care it's fun. Than I went to check on sam and dean but I couldn't find them anywhere so I texted sam ~where are u?~
~in the fun house be out in 5~
~k ~
When they walked out they came over to talk to me but I was staring at the clown. "Sam dean it's him it's the killer clown there he is" than I pointed behind the campers.
"What I don't see anyone?" Said sam
"Oh god ." Said dean sarcastically.
"Sam what does this mean?" I asked
"I think as long as you don't let it in the hotel room tonight we should be okay."
"I'd rather die than let a clown in the room."
"Well Sammy I guess we won't have to worry about that." Said dean with a smirk.
"Yep not at all cause imma shoot that S.O.B. Before he can even ask to come in."
"Good." Said sam "let's see what we need to kill it."
"I did some research we need a bronze blade." I said sounding quite sophisticated I might add. 
"K good now where do we get one?" Asked dean.
"Maybe that knife thrower you pissed off." Said sam as I giggled.
"Ha ha very funny fall." Said dean a little angered.
When the fair closed.
Dean and I went to the old man that throws knives to ask him if we could barrow his bronze knife. When we walked in he said to look in a trunk but dean instead found a clown costume like the one the killer clown wears and it's got blood on it. "It was you !" Dean yelled.
"Yes and you would have never known if you didn't see me today you twerp." Said the old man as he threw a knife towards my head.
"You- you ah!" I said as me and dean ran out of the room toward the fun house. Than I called sam and said "dude it's the old man!"
"Did you get the knife?"
"Where are you now?"
"running into the fun"
"Be there in 2."
So we ran into the fun house and the clown guy was invisible now. Dean and I were running around the fun house looking for sam and yelling his name. So dean comes up with an idea to use the organ pipes as a weapon. Little did he know they were hot to the touch so he burnt his hand so I took off my flannel and wrapped it around the pipe. Than I yanked it out and sam sprayed the fire extinguisher everywhere. Than I could see the clown guy again so I stabbed him with it and than he became visible again. "Is he dead dean !"
"I think so." He said back to me.
So we got out of there and went back to the hotel room As I wrapped deans hand in an ace wrap with some burn cream. Than we packed our bags and got the hell outa there.
The next morning.
We went to the road house. As soon as we arrived I walked in as fast as i could without running. So I go and sit at the bar and joe comes up to me and we talk about the case. And than we started to talk about mixed drinks, because dean wanted something strong, than she taught me how to make a simple mix drink. "Come around the bar and I'll show you how," Joe said "do you mind if I show her how to make one dean?"
"Nah go ahead." He said.
"Thanks."I said smiling.
"Ok first we need Pepsi and jack."
"K in witch glass?" I asked pretending not to know.
"That one with the octagon bottom."
"Ok now how much."
"First about 1/4 jack and 2/4 Pepsi and leave the last 1/4 empty."
"Ok done !" I said in an accidental high pitched voice.
"Great job for your first time." Said joe as she gives dean his glass.
"Thanks." Than she puts her hand on mine and so we both stop look at our hands and than it kind of became awkward for a moment. So I kept helping her with the bar because there were about 5or so other hunters in there. And plus I enjoyed helping. Than dean said "got any food in this place?"
"Well da." Said joe sarcastically.
"K could I have a burger and fries?"
"Sure sam, autumn?"
"I'll have the same as dean." Said sam pointing at dean.
"I'm not hungry." I said, I am lying of course.
"You sure ? You wanna share some fries ?" Asked joe catching on to my lie.
Than joe and I started to wipe down some of the tables than some hunter slapped my ass. Than Dean, sam, and joe come up to me than joe smacked the hunter across the face and said "dude what the hell is wrong with you?"
"Nothing just this fine piece of-" I interrupted him and smacked him.
Than I pushed sam and dean back and said "it's ok guys I can handle it."
"No I'm gonna-" said dean before I interrupted him.
"Nothing your gonna do nothing I can handle some dumbass hunter." And as I said that joe looked at me impressed by my bravery.
Than she said "come on kiddo let's eat."
"Okay whatever old lady." Playfully said by yours truly.
"Ok we need to work on your nicknames."
"Fine." I said as we sit down to eat the fries Helen cooked for us. Joe and I were talking for an hour or so. Than dean and sam went to a hotel room and they said I couldn't stay the night even though joe and Helen wanted me to.  So I went with them and we stayed in a hotel just 15 minutes away so that way in the morning we could back and joe and I can hang out before we go back to Bobby's.

Autumn Shae Winchester, A Hunters Sister.Where stories live. Discover now