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"so autumn what's the next case?" Asked Sam
"I don't-" *beep "oh ah hang on wait that's not my phone" so Autumn grabs deans phone and tears up and says "omg Sam dean dad texted."
" How do you know it's dad?" Said Dean
"It says hey dean it's dad and he wrote some cordiniants." Said Autumn.
"It's in Rockford IL."said Sam.
"Come on let's go !"said Autumn excitedly.
"Why ?" Said Sam
"Because it's dad we gotta go."said Autumn
"OK fine"
Few hours later
They drove up to Rockford and did research on a place called the Roosevelt asylum. So dean and Sam went to the bar to interview the cop. So dean acts like a nosey reporter and Sam had to get him away and it played out like this.
"Hey man I'm from the Chicago Tribune and I just wanted to talk about your partner."
"Really man common can't I just get some piece."
"Well you see I need answers."
"Hey you can't you see this guys a cop give him some space!" Yells Sam as he shoved dean toward the door.
"Look you didn't need to do that."
"Ya but I kinda did."
"You guys suck why couldn't I go to the bar ?" Wined Autumn.
"What do you need to go to the bar for?" Said Sam as dean turns around.
"To ah never mind."
"Dean do you give her alcohol?"
"Huh what ? Uh no no yes but only when she wins at gambling."
"Dean you can't ... Autumn NO MORE ALCOHOL!"
"OK fine."
Later in the asylum.
"Common let's go!" Said Autumn.
"Cool it girl were going." Said Sam.
"lighten up Sam she likes these kinds of cases." Said Dean.
"What the kind she has to be daddies little soldier for." Said Sam as he started to get pissed.
"Sam don't even start !"said Autumn.

So than they walk into the asylum and they start to look around."damn they did some crazy stuff to these people." Said Autumn
"Maybe the spirits are the ones driving people insane." Said Sam.
"Like my man Jake from the shinning."said Dean as Autumn face palmed in sham.
When they got to the electroshock theropy room Autumn was over looking at some plack . When she turned around she screamed "Dean!!"
So dean grabs the rock salt loaded gun and shoots it. "Are you OK"he asks.
"That's weird it didn't hurt her?" Said Sam. "I think we need to do so more research and see what happened here."

So Sam had to go to theropy and talk to the doctor. Let's just say he didn't like that because he had to talk about his feelings towards dean and Autumn. So when he got back to the room Autumn was upset. And he could tell because she wasn't talking, doing research, or watching TV she was sitting on the bed holding a note with tears slowly falling down her face.
"Fall what's wrong?"said Dean worriedly.
"What? Nothin I'm fine."
"Are you sure what does the note say?" Asked Sam.
Than Dean whispered to Sam "it's not about what it says it's about who it's from."
"Ah i see who's it from?" Asked Sam
"No one it's fine." Said Autumn as she wiped away her tears.
"Autumn who's it from?!?"asked Sam sternly.
"No one it's fine." Said Autumn.
"Autumn-" said Sam as dean cut him off
"It's fine Sam so on that note let's go to the asylum and finish this case huh?"
"Okay" said autumn.

When they got to the asylum that night Autumn was a little on edge. And Sam and dean both had worried looks on their faces. They were pretty scared out of their minds about what she was crying about. So then they walked into the asylum and they heard a door slam and Autumn says "maybe it's just the wind?"
"I thought you weren't scared of anything?"Said Dean playfully.
"I'm not scared of anything. " Stated Autumn with little confidence.
So dean picks her up in a bearhug and says "don't be scared baby sis" in a weird voice that you would use when talking to an actual baby. So than she breaks free from his grip and punches him in the arm.
"Oww " said dean.
"Well don't do that than." Said autumn with a raise of the eyebrow.
Then they stumbled across some girl who had lost her boyfriend in there somewhere and she couldn't find him so they split up and looked for him. Autumn with the girl and dean with sam. So they were walking down a hall and autumns flashlight went out and the girl said "ouch your hurting my arm!"
"What I don't have your arm?"
So they both look at each other and than down at her arm and then she was pulled into a room. So her and autumn both started to scream. Than dean and sam ran over and tried to open the door but it didn't work so Sam yelled at her to listen to what the ghost has to say. The ghost had told her a room number. So dean and autumn went to check it out while sam took the kids out of there. They walk into that room and autumn found his journal and then dean said "all work and no play makes the doc. Really dull boy."
"Really dean?"
Than sam gets a call it sounds like dean but he didn't know it but it wasn't. It told him to go to the basement So he went and then the ghost touched his head and made him crazy. Then dean and autumn ran to the basement yelling his name than sam walked up behind dean so dean jumped a little and said "damn it sam you answer when I call "
" k sorry"
Than dean proceeded to tell him what they found out. Than they walked in to a room and sam points his gun at autumn.
"Woah sam that isn't a toy." Said autumn.
"I know, but a soldier needs to learn when to back down from a fight."
"Thats full of rock salt you realize it won't kill me right?"
Than dean tackled sam and but he already pulled the trigger and shot her in the left arm. Than dean knocked him out and he went to check on autumn she said "I'm fine torch the bones dean!?!"
So dean ran over to the cabinet and opened the doors and found the bones then he salted them. It's over he thought but than the ghost put his hands on deans head but dean somehow managed to grab the lighter and he threw it at the bones and the ghost burst into flames. So they walked upstairs autumn was bleeding from her arm but dean said she would live. They then found the kids still inside so they took them outside and said for them to leave so they did. And than they took autumn to a doctor and got the rock salt out of her arm and lets just say she had a lot of pain meds going through her system. And that salt in a wound hurts like a S.O.B.And sam apologized over and over millions of times and she said it was fine. But he didn't believe her, because he could see in her eyes that she was still scared of him for what he did. And because of what he did she has to have a brace on her arm for a month. And she found out it's hard to do this line of work with a brace on her arm.

Autumn Shae Winchester, A Hunters Sister.Where stories live. Discover now