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I don't think I ever ran this fast in my entire life. My heart was pounding, my legs were begging me to stop, but I just couldn't. Even though the doctor said to avoid any physical activity, I still ran. I ran as hard as I could but I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Hop in, foo," Jaime caught up to me in his car, I owed him my life.

My breathing was still heavy as we drove, he handed me a bottle of water. Water never tasted so good.

"Why'd you run out like that?" He began, "You know I got a car, man, you ain't even supposed to be runnin'."

"Jaime, it's- it's about my brother," I said, my voice cracking.

He patted my back, "I know, Mike, I know. You'd do anything for him."

"Thanks, Jaime," he gave me a questioning look, "For being loyal. Not just a friend, un hermano."

He smiled, "You know it. As they would say, brother from another mother. I'll be here for you and Vic, always."

With his driving, we arrived faster than I had expected. I was about to run up the stairs when he grabbed my arm, "Elevator. Your ass ain't gonna run up to the eleventh floor. You'll pass out before you even get there. Besides, if you run up first I'll still get there faster. You pick."

It was like having a second older brother, always making me rethink my decisions. He was right, though, so I stood as the elevator arrived. Once we reached the eleventh floor, I ran to Vic's room, tears were burning my eyes. I hated crying.

I opened the door and there he was, laying with his eyes open. It took me a moment to process it, he was finally awake. I ran to him and hugged him as tight as I could. I grabbed his face, looking into his eyes to make sure I wasn't tripping.

He didn't have a tube down his throat anymore, and not as many wires and machinery as he did. He was okay now, he was here, present, with me.

"Hey, Mikey," he said in a hoarse voice and looked up behind me, "What's up, Hime?"

"Glad to see you're awake, sleeping beauty," he said with a chuckle.

"How... how long was I out?" He asked.

"A... a while," I said. I didn't want to tell him he was out for months- at least, not yet. For now, I had one thing in mind, "Do you remember?"

"Remember what?" He asked.

"That night, you know, the night that all this happened," I clenched my fists, trying to keep control.

"It's a bit hazy," he said, closing his eyes as he tried to remember, "I was just... I was just walking home when this... car slowed down beside me. They rolled down their windows and started yelling things, I can't remember what they said. Before you ask, no, I don't remember what they look like either. Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."

"Dammit, Victor!" I slammed my fist on his bed, "Why are you like this? You're too kind for your own good."

"You think I don't want them to pay for what they did? Of course I do, just not the way you want to deal with it. I want to do things the right way, legally, and I don't want you in any more trouble. I'm just... I'm just trying to keep you safe."

I groaned, "Fine, I won't do anything. For now at least, no promises."

He sighed before continuing, he knew how I was and it was pointless to try to convince me otherwise, "As I was saying, they were just trying to cause trouble until they asked if I was affiliated in any way with Velo de la Santa Muerte and- and I panicked," he held his hand up before I could say anything, "I know, I know, it was stupid of me, but I knew that if I stayed it would be a lot worse... so I ran. After that, I don't... I don't remember what happened."

I looked into his fear-filled eyes, "Do you want to know?"

He shook his head, "I just want to know... why me? Why on that day? I had an important exam the next day!"

I heard Jaime burst out in laughter, me on the other hand, wanted to punch Vic in the face.

"Come on, Mike, lighten up. I can basically see fury radiating from you as I told you what happened. I'm okay now, that's all that matters."

"What if you weren't okay? What then? Huh? What if you never woke up?" Even when he was at the brink of death, he managed to see the positive outcome of everything. How he could do that was something I would never know.

"You doubted I would ever wake up?" He sounded hurt.

"No, no, you just... you're too optimistic for your own good," I said, frustrated.

"I had people to fight for, to wake up to. You... mom... dad... and friends like Jaime. I could hear people talking to me but I was unable to respond. I remember everything you said, Mike, I was always there."

My face went red, "Jaime, can you give us a moment?" He nodded and stepped out, closing the door behind him, "How much do you remember?"

He gave me a smirk, "I remember enough. So... Tony, huh?"

I glared at him, two can play at that game, "So, Kellin, huh?"

He shrugged, "What can I say? It was unexpected and I don't regret a single thing."

"I don't like Tony," I said, "We just happen to have an incident that made us have to deal with each other, that's all."

He raised his eyebrow, "Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself," he said with a chuckle.

I glared at him, he knew me better than anyone, could he be right? Of course not, Tony was just another person I knew and that was it. But then again, we have been hanging out a lot more lately...

I shook my head, trying to shake away the thoughts when I received a text message:

Tony 🐢: Wanna head to the park today?

I looked up and saw Vic with the biggest grin on his face, "Go ahead, I'll be here for a while. Kellin will be coming soon, I'll call our parents later."

I sighed and stood up, "It's still not what you think."

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
Waddup, I'm back lmao.

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