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"Mike?" I heard someone call, "Mike!"

The voice echoed all around but no matter where I turned, everything was white, "Vic? Is that you?"

"Mikey, you have to run," his voice was shaking.

I stupidly asked, "Why?"

I jumped as Vic, also dressed in white, appeared in front of me, "You're in danger, you have to be careful with–"

His eyes grew wide as the sound of a gunshot echoed, we both looked down at his stomach as he began to bleed out. He collapsed to the ground and everything began to turn red like paint was spilling on the walls.

I looked back down, Vic managed to croak, "Why'd you do this...?"

"What do you..?" I looked down at my hand only to find the pistol that had done this to my brother. I immediately threw it away from me, "Vic, Vic! Oh my god, I-I didn't– I didn't do this, I couldn't have! I would never! Oh god, it's my fault!"

"Mike..." he gasped... "Mike..."


I woke up with a jump as I gasped for air. I looked around, everything seemed unfamiliar to me and my head was trickling with sweat. I was beginning to panic until someone tapped me, making me flinch. I turned around and was met with a concerned Tony.

"Dude, you okay?" Worry was written all over his face.

I kept panting, I patted myself to make sure I was awake. I kept looking around, suddenly remembering I was in the hospital and laid down with a sigh.

"I hate hospitals," I said, looking up at the ceiling.

Tony laid down too, letting out a huff, "For a second I thought you were dying."

I turned to him, "Why?"

"I was sleeping when suddenly your heart monitor was going wild, your heart rate just kept increasing..." he paused, "And you kept calling for your brother."

I stared back up at the ceiling, I was shaken to the core. I thought over the dream over and over again, could Vic be warning me about something? Or most importantly... am I responsible for his coma? No, that can't be, none of this would've happened if Ronnie would've kept his dick in his pants. Yeah, that was it.

"What did you dream about?" He asked after a while.

"Uh..." If I told him, would it make me seem weak? No one can know my fears, they will use them against me.

"I have nightmares, too, you know," he said, noticing my silence, "How about I tell you one of mine and you tell me yours, deal?"

I half-smiled, making sure he didn't see, "Yeah, I guess."

He took a deep breath, "Ever seen those cheesy yet creepy horror films that take place in the woods or something?"

I snorted, "Yeah, there's thousands so who hasn't?"

"Well I had a dream I was walking in one in the middle of the night. I don't exactly know why I was there but there I was, with a small flashlight. I guess I was exploring or some shít, when suddenly my mom was crying out my name. I could only see trees... so many trees..."

I remembered I could only see white, nothing else but white. It was beginning to freak me out but he continued.

"I tried to follow the sound of her voice and finally came across her," his voice lowered, "She was screaming for help while this... this thing attacked her only, it wasn't eating her but rather... taking away her happiness. I don't know how to explain it to you, but I could see that thing sucking the life out of her. I tried to help her but I couldn't move, I couldn't even close my eyes or look away, I was stuck looking as her whole life was sucked out of her... I guess it makes sense now since my mom is in a mental hospital with no signs of wanting to live... not even for me."

He turned away and I could catch a glimpse of a tear that he quickly wiped away, "Damn, that must suck."

"Yeah, but whatever, tell me yours."

I took a deep breathe, "Well... my brother was calling out for me, you know, the way you sound when you're trying to find someone in a festival? Except that there was no one and everything was white yet... I couldn't find him. He suddenly appeared in front of me and he was about to warn me about something... or someone but-," my voice cracked, "I heard a gunshot and next thing I know, my brother is on the ground... bleeding out and I look down at my hand to find that I was the one who shot him."

He stayed quiet, absorbing what I just told him, "That sounds pretty... scary."

I chuckled, "If you think about it, everyone's scary. You never know the psychopath sitting next to you," I nudged him, making him laugh.

"Idiot," he said.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
Okay, sounds like a filler but it will make sense later on so please just go with it. PS: I'm terribly sorry for taking forever to update, you may beat me up.

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