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"Forget what I said, I fücking hate that bastard," I said to Vic as I sat beside him, "I swear I'll rip him to pieces."

For a split second, his eyebrows furrowed together, the way he would always do when he thought something I said was a bad idea, "I know, I know, you hate violence, but to be fair, he asked for it."

I decided to lay beside him and put on his headphones, putting his iPod on shuffle. I wondered what he felt like being trapped in his own body, I shivered at the thought of it. I had accidentally fallen asleep beside him when I heard footsteps nearby.

I quickly jumped off his bed and ran behind the door, ready to fight whoever came inside. I knew it wasn't time for his meal or medicine, so whoever came in that door was an intruder. I stood still, the door quietly opened and someone quickly stepped inside, quietly closing the door. I waited, waiting for the right moment to attack as the hooded person walked closer to Vic.

I jumped at them, making the person scream, "Wait, wait!"

I had the person grabbed in a headlock, "What are you doing here? Who are you?"

"I'm not here to do any harm," the person choked out, "I-I'm Vic's boyfriend!"

I quickly let go, making the person fall to the ground as they gasped for air, "You're his what?"

"H-His boyfriend," he repeated, gasping for air.

I took out my gun, "Vic doesn't have a boyfriend, he would've told me about you," I pointed my gun to him, "Who the fuck are you?"

This supposed boyfriend was sitting on the ground, cowering away from me, "I'm not lying, I-I swear!"

Before I could say anything, Vic's heart monitor began going wild, "Vic?!" I dropped my gun and ran to him, "Vic!"

His heart monitor kept increasing in speed and suddenly stopped, the doctors came running in, "His monitor was increasing at an alarming rate, what happened?" Asked a nurse.

"I don't know!" I shouted, terrified at what was going on.

"Both of you, step to the side!"

"Wha... what's happening?!" I shouted, nurses brought in some kind of machine, one that I've seen in movies before, one that made my heart drop.

Vic's supposed boyfriend covered his mouth with his hands, letting out a choked sob.

The doctor rubbed two electronic plates, "Clear!" He shouted and pressed them on his chest, making his body jump violently.

I couldn't believe I was really watching my brother fighting for his life, "You better fucking make it, Vic!" I shouted, a couple of male nurses held me back, "Don't fail me now!"

"Clear!" The doctor shouted again and his body shook more violently, "We've got a heartbeat, take him to the emergency room!"

I sighed in relief as they began to push his bed out into the hallway, "He made it," I looked at the hooded boy, "He made it!" I cried with joy.

We both pulled into a tight embrace, "I-I don't know what I would've done without him..." he ran his fingers through his hair, his hood finally coming off.

"You?" It was the same pale, raven haired boy I had seen from afar last time.

"Please, don't say anything," he sniffled, "My parents don't know... they'll kill me."

"You've got some explaining to do," I said and gestured him to follow me.

We ended up in the waiting room, we were able to find quiet corner. I told him I was going to get some coffee for us and something to eat since it looked like we were going to be here for a while.

While I was waiting, I realized I hadn't called our mother to tell her what happened with Vic. I didn't feel the need to and she didn't have to know. I knew he was going to be okay. If I told her, she would've had a heart attack then and there so I decided to keep this to myself.

I went back to the boy to realize he was gone. I looked around yet he was nowhere to be seen. He couldn't have gone away just like that, where could he be?

I saw a nurse pass by, "Have you seen a pale boy with black hair and a hoodie?"

She thought for a minute, "Um, yes, he stepped out with someone that way," she pointed towards the exit.

"Thank you," I quickly put the things on the table and ran outside, only to see him walking away next to someone, "Hey! You!"

They both stopped and turned around as I approached them, "I-I gotta go," said the boy, he looked scared out of his mind.

"Where are you taking him?" I demanded.

"That doesn't concern you," said the other guy.

I looked down to his arm and realized he had the boy at gunpoint behind him. It was a tactic I knew too well. I went for my gun as he also went for his, I realized I didn't have it and apparently he knew too because he started to laugh.

"What's wrong?" He chuckled, "Missing something?"

"P-Please," the boy cried, "There's no need for this, I'll just go with you and we can all go," he said to him.

As weird as it was, I didn't want anything to happen to my brother's boyfriend. He was part of our family now, there was no way I was going to let anyone harm someone my brother loved. It was our oath.

"I ain't letting you go that easy," I cracked my neck, "C'mon ese, fight like a man!"

The guy gave me a skeptical look before bursting into laughter, "Why fight when I can easily shoot you?"

The click of the gun and a scream was all I heard before I collapsed to the ground.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
I missed out on the Asking Alexandria show in NYC and turns out Jeffree Star was there 😭 I'll be going to the End The Madness Tour tomorrow (well, today since it's past 12am) and I'm hoping he'll be there as well.

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