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"Uh, Tony?" I lightly shook him but he looked dead to the world, "Hey!" I whisper yelled, making him jump as his eyes shot open.

"Huh? Is lunch over yet?" He asked in a sleepy voice as he sat up, rubbing his eyes until he realized I was sitting in front of him, "Mike? What are you doing here?"

I sat back and leaned my head against the wall, "Same thing I should be asking you."

He slowly moved, looking a bit uncomfortable, "I guess you found my hiding spot."

I looked around, it didn't look like a very... nice place to be in, "Why are you even hiding? No wonder I never saw you."

He laughed nervously, "I'm not... hiding, I'm just resting."

"Insomnia got you bad, huh?" I rested my arms on my knees.

"Yeah..." He said timidly. We stayed quiet for a couple of minutes before he decided to speak again, "But what brings you here? I'm surprised you were able to fit– not that I'm calling you fat or anything," he said nervously, "It's just that I can barely fit through there and, well, you're really tall so... yeah..." He trailed off.

"I'm just... going through some things and I wanted to be in a... quiet space," I awkwardly rubbed my neck, I wasn't used to talking about emotions and shít like that.

He looked at me curiously and quietly said, "What kind of things?"

This was way too awkward and overwhelming, his big buggy eyes were looking through my soul and I needed to get out, "I, uh, gotta go, ya know, for class and... stuff."

I quickly got up and walked away, not before stumbling across a couple of old gym equipment and hearing Tony quietly laugh in the background.

"Hey, bro," I quietly murmured as I sat down beside Vic's hospital bed, "I... it's been a while since, you know, that happened to you," I looked at the bandages on his torso. "I really wish you could wake up, I miss your annoying ass," I laughed, my eyes beginning to water, "God, this is so gay, crying is for pussies," I muttered as I rubbed my eyes before tears could spill, blinking a couple of times to compose myself. "I have that idiot Ronald in the torture basement, I won't let him get away with this. I swear I'll find him and..." I breathed deeply, my nostrils flaring, "I swear I'll shoot him in an instant, right in the middle of his fucking head."

Vic just laid there with a tube down his throat, a breathing mask, and things connected to his body. He hated hospitals, I didn't blame him for it. He looked a science experiment with all these wires and beepy things around him.

I sighed, becoming frustrated, "Vic, just wake up already!" I buried my face on his bed, all the emotions I had bottled up inside were let loose as I cried uncontrollably. "Dammit, Vic, you gotta make it out of this, you just gotta! I'd... Mom would die if you don't..." I let out sobs, it became difficult to breathe, the lump in my throat was aching and was making it hard to speak, "I know you'll wake up. I know you will."

I carefully leaned my head on his as I smoothed out his hair, "These nurses better be treating you right, so far I think they're doing a good job."

I looked around, everything looked pretty nice and clean. It showed the times he's been fed and what doctor checked up on him. I simply laid beside him, most of my body dangling off the bed as I talked to him about what was going on while he was... asleep.

"This girl named Danielle has come to visit you several times," I mentioned, "Says she misses you a lot, she talks to you a lot about her camping adventures and such," I looked at him suspiciously, "Is she your girlfriend? I would probably punch you once you wake up 'cause you never told me about it."

I paused, thinking about what else to tell him, "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about this the other day," I stood up and fixed his pillow, he must be sore from laying down like this the whole day, "There was this pale, raven haired boy who was just standing outside your room, weird huh? Although, I think he knows you 'cause he there were tears spilling down his cheeks, I didn't seem to recognize him," I reached for the flower on the bedside table, "He left you a red rose, I know you have a thing for those so I guess it was nice of him to drop it off. It was weird that he looked afraid to go inside, he literally just left it and immediately left."

I placed the rose between his hands, "Also, uh..." I awkwardly rubbed my neck, "I met someone," I quickly shook my head, already imagining the look he would've been giving me, "Not like that, though! He's just... a shy kid, a strange one too. I guess you would call him fascinating," I chuckled and sighed, "Okay, maybe I find him a bit fascinating too. He has these really big, buggy eyes and this cheesy smile, it's hard not to-"

Just then, I saw Tony pass by. Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
I honestly forgot how I was going to develop this story, sorry if it's boring! I'll figure something out to make it interesting.

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