Bleeding Royalty by Katrocks247

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Bleeding royalty by Katrocks247

This story kept my interest from the beginning. Cassie is a strong willed girl that gets kidnapped by the handsome vampire Valentine (whom she affectionately calls Fang Face). It’s the story of her capture and their relationship. The bantering and the texting is hysterical!! There is a lot of humor in the book but you also fall in love with Valentine and understand the layers underneath the cold exterior. 

This book also leaves you at a cliff hanger and the writer hasn’t written anything in months. I know she wanted to finish another book first so we are all anxiously waiting for her to finish this book.

What I didn’t like

 The frequent use of F****

The ending she threw in a story of the brother and his life, when I wanted more of Cassie and Valentine! 

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