Chapter 4: Life Now with the Princes

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   Our father allowed the princes to stay at the vacant bed chambers a floor beneath us. Ever since they have started making our abode their home too, my sisters are a lot more paranoid about beautifying themselves.

    Usually, every morning, us princesses dress in our plainest morning dresses, only to change after we bathe. But since they want to impress their grooms-to-be, they have worn dressier clothes. They have also styled their hair to a maximum.

     But that is not the worst, reader. The worst is that they do is ambush me and force me into my best dresses, curl my partly straight hair and make me wear my best jewelry. I can't undo this, for they have eyes that can see a mile away if I changed into something simpler.

     This went on for, well, every single day. I disliked it. I surely wasn't in favor of this arrangement. Then again, 8 are stronger than 1, so I simply can't stop it.

     I wanted Jeremiah to see who I really was, so with the other princes to my sisters. I didn't want the prince to only see what I was with fancy dresses and my hair in curls. I wanted him to witness my true self.

    Another thing that has started happening since the princes began staying in our palace, is that we have been throwing grander parties. And the celebrations have been done more often than usual. And they usually have more wine and rich foods. And they have been lasting longer, as in up all night.

     One time, I was extremely lucky that my sisters were still asleep because of the little celebration they had the night before. They were very groggy this morning. I escaped their ambushes. I could finally go out of my room, in a modest morning dress, and my hair just brushed back.

      I climbed down the long winding stairs to reach the informal breakfast room. I wasn't exactly surprised that only me and Prince Jeremiah were the only royals awake. He, meanwhile, was taken aback that I wasn't in a brocade gown and my hair wasn't curled or styled too glamorously. Then he remembered that noone else was up yet.

     "Well, Princess, it's nice to see how you really look like in the morning." he teased.

     "Lucky for me,  my sisters aren't awake yet. They are deep in slumber still."

     "Oh, so they are doing that to you? Not you doing it to impress me?" he asked

     "Believe me, Prince, you will not wake up to a day in which I want to impress you." I replied, taking a bite out of the bread i just buttered.

     He laughed, the first time I ever heard him do so.

     "Trust me, Antarctica, I will."

      Once we finished eating, we set off to wake up the others. I, to my family; him, to his. We woke each one up gently. My sisters seemed too sleepy to even look at my outfit. They all went down and had their breakfast. I had my bath, changed into a simple white dress with a few gold embellisments and brushed my hair back into a simple ponytail. While they were eating, I had some time to myself. And usually I wile away extra time by reading or writing, but this time, I wanted to try something different.

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