Chapter 7: Explanations are Known, Problems are Solved

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     Rehearsal is boring me out. In between practicing the dances, we were fitted for our dresses, shoes and veils. We were taught numerous lessons, from entering properly to how to say the vows to exiting. The whole ordeal was exhausting.

     Mind you, all of the time spent rehearsing, I was thinking about what Prince Jeremiah wanted to tell me about. Thoughts raced through my mind, tangling with my feelings. I couldn't exactly concentrate. I did well, but my mind was wandering elsewhere. Sometimes I had to be woken up from my trance by Amber, who was always beside me.

     This is killing me. The suspense of not knowing what he was supposed to say before he was interrupted is slowly murdering me. Now, I am trying to keep my composure and silence, but it is quite difficult.

     Finally! The practices are done for the day!

     I immediately rushed to search for the prince, but he seemd to be gone. I asked the palace guards, but they have not seen anyone pass through the gates or elsewhere. I do not like this, not at all.

     Why does he have to be gone when I am already done? I am not full of glee at this moment. First,      the rehearsal that just bored by eyes out, and now I am being killed even more by my curiosity and my longing to know what he was to say.

     Since I could not find him, I stormed to my room. I brushed my disheveled hair and was about to put a clasp through it. Valentina apparantly heard my door bang close, and she followed me into my room. She told me she could help with my hair, if nothing else is troubling me.

     She brushed my hair back, soothing my rage. "Are you ill? You do seem so. You know that you can entrust in me any of your dilemmas." said she. I must say she is right, as she always is.

     "Well, my prince was about to tell me about something he has just discovered, then he was interrupted by a rehearsal that turned out to be absolutely boring. Then, after that, I couldn't find him anymore. I am peeved and my curiosity is murdering me. Add to that the mixed emotions I am feeling." I poured out to her as she styled my hair in several complicated braids.

     "You have to calm down and let all that rage flow out, my dear sister. You could do better with a cleared mind. Relax, Antarctica. Quiet those nerves down." she tugged my hair tighter.

     "Alright. My mind is cleared. What shall I do now?" I asked, trying to push my impatience away.

     "Perhaps it would do you well to talk to him. Resolve this problem that you have." She whipped off the white ribbon in her hair. "Trust me, this will not be solved if you don't have another conversation with him." She tied the ribbon at the end of the braids.

     "How about the situation in which I can't find a trace of him? What about that?"

     "You'll find him. Somewhere that is a good place to talk. I assure you, he did not leave the palace if he wants to tell you something."

     I nodded, smoothed my hair back in order to feel the braids, and stood up. She left, leaving me to ponder about what to do and where to go. I breathed in large gulps of breath, mustered up my confidence and went out the wooden doors of my chamber. I wanted to think about it somewhere quiet, solemn and comfortable to me. Where?

    The library.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter Break~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     I opened the the large intricately carved wooden doors leading to the library. I breathed in the scent of old paper and leather. I savoured the feeling of being here, surrounded by books that I have read thousands of times. It was so comforting to the senses.

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