Your Death

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(Sorry! 😉)
These are all from their point of view! :)

(Edited by EGG)

Glenn Rhee

It was too late. It was too late. It was too late. I'd walked into the room too late. It had gotten her.

When I entered the room my heart dropped and tears instantly formed in my eyes. I swallowed the lump that had appeared in my throat as I approached her frail body carefully. A walker lay dead on the floor next to her, but it had got to her before she got to it.

Her glossy eyes stared up at me as she attempted a small smile, accepting her fate. It was a quality in Y/N that many envied: her ability to accept a situation for what it was. That's exactly what she did as blood trickled down her neck from the deep walker bite on her neck. If it had been anywhere else, she may have survived.

"Hey" she whispered helplessly.

My voice cracked as I replied and walked towards her, bending down to her level and sitting next to her. I pulled her into me and let her rest on my chest. I placed my hand on her neck, attempting to stop the bleeding.

"Let go," she whispered, "there's no use. I'm going to die. I love you, Glenn. I'm glad I'm getting to spend my last moment with you"

A vulnerable tear dropped out of my eye. I didn't want to let her go; I couldn't let her go. She gripped my hand supportively. I felt so weak. There she was, dying in my arms yet she was comforting me.

"I love you, Y/N" I told her.

She was bleeding out fast and I knew she didn't have much longer. I watched the life leave her eyes as they shut peacefully. She never made a complaint of pain, she was so strong.

She was definitely conscious for a few minutes while her eyes were closed. I felt her die as her grip on my hand became limp, causing all my emotions to pour out of me. I held nothing back.

Half an hour later, Abraham found me, my face stained with tears and Y/N in my arms. He furrowed his eyebrows in sympathy as he acknowledged the scene. He offered me his hand to help me stand up, and picked up Y/N is his arms. We brought her back to Alexandria and buried her, the way she had always asked to should this regretful situation happen. I don't know how I'll live without her.

Rick Grimes

Simon had her collar gripped tightly into his hand as he wore a manic grin, urging Negan to do the deed.

"Ohh, Rick," Negan taunted me, "you just fucking had to move, didn't you? You fucking moved when I told you not to and now your friend is going to pay the price!"

My blood froze in my veins. I let out a jarring howl, begging them to take me instead of her. It was all my fault. How would I be able to forgive myself for this? Despite my screams, I kept my body glued firmly onto the spot I was in, I wasn't going to sacrifice another member of my team.

"You can fucking scream all you want. Hell, I wouldn't be able to stop you if I tried!" He exclaimed as if he were giving us a luxury. The group sobbed around me, sinking the guilt I felt further and further into my gut.

Without hesitation, Negan swung his body round and slammed his barb wire wrapped bat down onto Y/N's head with a blood-curdling crack. Blood instantly poured from her head as I felt tears pour simultaneously from my eyes. I saw Maggie let her head fall down into her hands as she let out a scream. She had lost her husband and best friend in the space of 5 minutes. She didn't ask for any of this.

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