Your Birthday

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Glenn Rhee

Out of habit, you woke up bright and early as it was the morning of your birthday. Of course, it wasn't the same as before the apocalypse. You hadn't really celebrated in 5 years. Then again, you hadn't been with Glenn for those 5 years so who knew what was to be expected today.

Looking beside you, you noticed that Glenn wasn't laying sound in bed anymore. His slept-in side of the bed was empty, but still warm. You rubbed your eyes as they adjusted to the bright, fresh, naturally lit room and stretched. Sliding out of bed, you heard movement down stairs.

You left your room and walked down the stairs. Glenn clearly heard your footsteps as he began softly singing 'happy birthday'. Tears pricked in your eyes. This reminded you of before the apocalypse, when you'd rush down stairs on your birthday to find your parents and sister, who would be cheering and singing. You missed them.

Blinking the tears out of your eyes, you walked towards the singing coming from the kitchen. You opened the door and found Glenn sitting at the end of your kitchen table, which he had set up with cereal, decorative plates of once tinned food (like peaches) and the little fresh food he had been able to pick. Carols famous cookies sat in the middle. Glenn was wearing a party hat and had another in his hand. He stood up and walked over to you. He put the party hat on your head, pecked your nose and whispered; "Happy birthday, Y/N."

He pulled out a chair, purposely exaggerating his romantic gestures, and offered you the seat. "Sorry, if we weren't in the middle of an apocalypse I'd have made this a whole lot more impressive." He laughed.

"Glenn, this is impressive enough for me," you told him sincerely, tucking into the food in front of you. "Thank you, I haven't celebrated my birthday in years. This is nice."

"My pleasure," he said, "the others are coming round later for a little get together but I wanted you to myself for a little while first."

"Forward thinking," you laughed, "I like it." He winked at you jokingly, making you chuckle. Looking around the room you saw banners saying 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N!'. Confused, you asked; "How did you manage to get those banners? There couldn't have been very convenient banners with my name on them lying around."

"I can't take the credit for that one, Enid's a talented young lady. She told me she was very into art before all of this and she found some supplies made them." He replied.

You couldn't believe Glenn and your friends had put this much effort into your birthday, especially considering the priorities in the world right now. Times like these made you realise you were lucky, despite what's going on in the world.

Rick Grimes

It wasn't until the the last hour of your shift in Alexandria that you realised that today was your birthday. Another year since the outbreak that you had missed your birthday. It wasn't that big of a deal, there were more important things to deal with now days.

Once your shift finished, you walked back home and greeted Rick with a hug. Of course he didn't know it was your birthday. Why would he? You hadn't told him, as far as you remembered at least. You trotted upstairs and turned on the shower, undressing while you let it get hot. You stepped inside and let the dirt from that day melt off of you.

Once finished, you stepped out the shower and put a towel around you, leaving the bathroom. On the bed lay slightly less casual dress that you had claimed once arriving in Alexandria. You were sure it wasn't there before. On it lay a note saying;
"Hey Y/N, put this on after your shower, you'll find out why soon. Rick x"
Surely, Rick didn't know it was your birthday. Either way, you slipped into the dress and dried your hair.

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