Death of a Loved One

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Glenn Rhee

You stood in horror, tears pricked in your eyes as you fell down to your knees. You let out a helpless sob as you let the tears flow. Your sister. Your sweet, innocent, little sister lay cold and dead on the floor, a single bullet through her brain. It had to be done, you knew that. You didn't want to have to see her dead in the brain and craving flesh.

You felt two gentle arms wrap themselves around your quivering body from behind you, embracing you tightly. "She's safe now," Glenn's voice whispered in your ear, his head resting on your shoulder, "she doesn't have to live in fear."

Glenn pulled you up from your frail position and held you. He let you sob in his neck. You never found time to let out of your emotions and usually felt weak if you did. This was different. You had grown up with your sister for 15 years and had raised her for 3 of them after your parents had died. You didn't feel guilt about crying for once.

Glenn pulled back slightly, but kept his arms at your waist. He put a finger under your chin, pulling your face up to look at his. "Let's bury her." he told you, and you agreed.

You took a deep breath in and composed yourself, letting your last tears run silently. You had to be strong, there was no other choice. You picked your sister up in your arms and carried her gently to Alexandria which was luckily only a couple of minutes away. Once inside, you and Glenn began digging in mellow silence and didn't stop until a sufficient grave was built. You could no longer tell if your face was wet with tears or sweat. Together, you placed her gently into the grave and began filling the hole. Those who had been close to her came by to help and pay their respects.

On top of her grave you lay your sisters locket necklace, which contained a picture of the two of you. You clung onto the matching one that hung around your neck, usually hidden under your clothes.

That night you sleep safely in Glenn's arms, your face wet with tears and your hand clinging onto the necklace which lay at your heart. Things wouldn't be the same, but you knew you'd have Glenn by your side to make sure life would be worth living.

Rick Grimes

You were running, your young daughter, Kira, gripping onto your hand. Her lower lip began to quiver as she heard the herd of walkers trailing along behind you, her and Rick. "Kira, keep quite, sweetie," you whispered to her, not wanting to attract and other creatures your way, "I know, I know it's scary. We're going to make it" you reassured her.

Your chest grew tight as you lost your breath, forcing your legs to continue back to Alexandria, no matter how much they wanted to stop. You felt a tug on your arm and you looked down to see Kira with her feet plastered to the ground, refusing to carry on. Her face was pale and her brown eyes wide; glossed over. You began pulling at her arm, aware of the herd moving closer and closer. Rick tried to pick her but she just kicked and scratched, causing him to drop her.

"Kira, what are you doing?" You hissed at her with a shakey voice, "get here right now." Your voice cracked as she backed into the group of walkers. You ran towards her, not caring if you got engulfed into the cluster with her. You felt a strong grip on your wrist as Rick pulled you back. It was too late now. You stood and watched your daughter get pulled into the walkers. Their faces became covered in fresh blood and guts could occasionally be seen through the gaps. They were all distracted now; focused on your poor daughter rather than you.

Rick began pulling you along gently, still holding onto your wrist. Your mind wanted to protest and go back to your daughter, but your legs had given in as they stumbled along backwards, not taking your eyes off of Kira.

Rick mumbled "I'm sorry"; "it's going to be okay" and "I'm here for you" throughout the entirety of the journey back to Alexandria. All you could think about was how you'd never get to hear Kira's sweet voice again. You'd never get to see her smile at a joke Carl told her. You'd never get to feel her embrace when she needed you or you needed her. Rick spoke reassuring words to you and held you tight, knowing exactly how it felt to lose someone you love.

Daryl Dixon

"Please," you stuttered, tears streaming down your flushed face, "you don't have to do this". You were desperate, begging Gareth to let your father go. He had you and Daryl tied up to splintering wooden posts. Your father was tied up opposite the two of you, a fire glowing over his face. Gareth stood with an axe high above his head, laughing chillingly.

"We need to eat," he told you in a deep, merciless tone, "and your fathers going to help us with that. Don't worry, we'll let you go after". He spoke as if he was doing you a favour and you should be grateful. Before you could break free, Gareth brought his axe down onto your fathers head. You watched all life snap out of your father in an instant. A howl escaped your lips as you struggled with the tight ropes around your waist.

Daryl brought his arm out as far as he could despite the restriction of the ropes binding them. He gripped your hand firmly, showing you that he was there and wasn't going to leave. "You fucker" he called out to Gareth who was unfazed by the comment. He continued hacking away at your father, bringing his meat to the fire and watching it brown. You grimaced throughout the whole experience. All you wanted to do was run. You wanted to be alone; away from these cannibals. You were powerless as the ropes cut into your wrists.

Eventually, Gareth came and set you free. He'd had his meal and was satisfied; he had just wanted to see you suffer and squirm under his power. As soon as you were far away from Terminus, Daryl pulled you into a tight embrace, letting you cry into his shoulder. You held him desperately, wanting to make sure you didn't lose him as well. No words were spoken, they didn't need to be. Nothing could be said in that moment to make everything okay again and Daryl understood that.

He took you back to the church where your people were staying and guided you to a quite room. He left to explain to the others what had happened, knowing that you wouldn't be able to relive that experience. When he returned he held blankets and pillows which he set up around you. Silently, he brought you into his arms, holding you all night until the both of you fell asleep.

Neither of you were willing to see something like that again; you were going to take revenge.

Carl Grimes

Your mum. How could they take your mum. She'd kept you alive for 15 years: before and throughout the apocalypse. There was no way you were going to be able to cope without her.

You hadn't seen her die. Half of you was grateful for that, the other half was filled with sorrow that you didn't get to be with her in her last moments. You didn't know she was about to leave you and this world. She'd died while out on a run with Michonne. You didn't want to be given details, all you knew was that she didn't turn, Michonne didn't let that happen.

The night of her death, Michonne had decided to take you in. She became a mother figure to you, feeling she owed it to you after she witnessed the dead of your mother. You slept in Carl's room. He let you take his bed while he slept on the sofa in the corner of his room.

"It's going to be okay, you know," he reassured you, "I know, it's hard at first. Things get better. Michonne really becomes like a mum and you know my dad will look after you."

"Thank you, Carl" you told him genuinely, tears welling up in your eyes, "I've never lost someone close to me. I love her"

The room was silent for a moment before Carl began talking again.

"I'm here for you as well," he said, nervously but truthfully, "I won't let you go through this alone. It's okay to mourn, but I'm going to help you through this." For the first time since your mothers death you let a small smile creep onto your face. There was still an immense amount of sadness behind it, but it gave you hope.

Maybe you weren't going to be so alone after all.

Written by HMM

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