First Fight

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Glenn Rhee

"Glenn, just let me go! I'll be fine, you need to start letting me look after myself!" You told Glenn. He had always been very protective of you, which you had been grateful for, but it was beginning to get on your nerves.

"Y/N, I'm not letting you go out there without me," he replied, "it's not happening. You need me." Those last three words filled you with rage. You knew he didn't mean it, but it made you feel weak.

"You are not my father," you replied with spite in your voice, folding your arms to stop your hands from shaking, "I don't need you! I am perfectly capable by myself. Don't you dare try to make me look weak."

"Y/N, you know that's not what I meant," he stuttered, knowing he should have thought before he let words spill out of his mouth, "I didn't mean to say it like that"

"Well you did, Glenn," you spat, "you did. And it's clear to me that you don't think I could survive out there without you"

You stomped out of the house leaving Glenn alone with a pit of guilt inside of him. You wanted to prove him wrong. You were going to leave those gates and come back in one piece with supplies from the group and you were going to do it without him.

Rick Grimes

You awoke in the night to the sound of Judith crying filling the house. For the past week you had been the one getting up to in the middle of the night while you were tired to check on her and calm her down. You looked over to Rick laying beside you in bed. His eyes fluttered open as he looked up at you.

"Y/N, do you mind going to check on Judith?" he asked, for the second time that night.

"Sure, I guess" you replied, clearly exasperated. You got out of bed and tip toed towards the sound of Judith's cries. You found her lying in her cot, red faced with tears streaming out of her eyes. Picking her up gently, you bounced her up and down and whispered, "what's wrong, baby?". You stayed with her until she calmed down and stopped crying. You placed her back in her cot and made your way back to your room.

"What was with that tone earlier?" Rick asked you in a sleepy voice as you walked back into the room.

"I'm just tired" you lied.

"So am I, Y/N. You don't hear me snapping at you" he replied. You laughed angrily, slightly astounded at the audacity of the man, causing him to furrow his eye brows at you in confusion.

"You've got to be kidding me!" You told him, "you're tired? I'm the one who's been getting up in the middle of the night all week to comfort your child. I thought we were meant to be taking this in turns?"

Daryl Dixon

"Y/N, hold the damn thing at eye level!" Daryl ordered you for the fifth time. He was attempting to teach you how to use a cross bow. It was supposed to be a fun experience for you two to bond, but instead it just caused a lot of tension between you.

"I am, Daryl," you retorted, "I'm not quite sure what 'eye level' means to you, but this is definitely eye level!" You gestured to the cross bow which was pointing at a faux walker you had set up in Alexandria.

"Stop getting pissed at me," he told you, getting agitated, "I'm trying to help you"

"You're not!" you replied, "it seems to me like you're just enjoying telling me I'm doing things wrong." Your raised voices started to draw attention from the people of Alexandria, causing passers by to stare a little.

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