You're Related to Another Character

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Glenn Rhee

"What's with you and 'Chinaman', baby sister?" your big brother, Merle, asked you. Somehow, he had turned out as much more of a typical redneck than you and Daryl had. He took after your father.

"His name is Glenn" you told him, bluntly.

"And he's Korean, not Chinese" Daryl added.

Merle shook his head and walked away, not expecting Daryl to be taking your side. You and Glenn had been getting close for a few weeks and Merle had been the first to notice. Clearly, he had not taken too kindly to it. At first, neither did Daryl but he'd grown up and realised that Glenn was more than perfect for you.

"Thanks, Daryl," you told him, "I really don't know how I'm gonna make Merle just accept Glenn and I."

"You ain't," he replied, "just something you've got to live with."

"Yeah." You replied simply, walking away to find Glenn.

As you approached him, a smile appeared on his face. Your expression mirrored his as you pulled him into a hug distracting him from his work.

"Want to help?" he asked, gesturing towards the shovel next to him which he was using to plant crops. You picked it up and began to work with him.

"No luck with Merle?" he asked.

"No," you replied, "he's not going to change his mind. I don't care anymore, I don't care what he thinks. Daryl's happy for us and that's more than I could ask for. I say we just tell him that we're official."

"If you're sure, I'm happy to do that." he replied, and so you did. Merle didn't like it. He threw around racial slurs making Daryl and you cringe. You and Daryl grew apart from Merle, realising that you didn't think in the same way.

"We don't need anyone's 'blessing' if we're happy" Glenn told you daily.

Rick Grimes

"You like him, don't you?" your younger sister, Tara, asked.

"Maybe, I don't know. He's handsome and I love the kids..." you replied, trailing off.

"It's so obvious, Y/N" she laughed.

"Okay. Okay! I do like him" you admitted, laughing along with her.

As you were talking you saw Rick making his way over to you, making you blush slightly. Tara laughed and walked away leaving you two alone together. You pulled yourself together before he reached you.

"Hey Y/N, how do you feel about coming to mine tonight for dinner? Carl's going to Ron's house and Carol's looking after Judith so it will be just us" he asked you, taking you by surprise.

"Oh, yeah, sure. That sounds nice. I'll be there around six?"

"Perfect." He confirmed, giving you a smile and getting back to work. Was this a date?

You made your way back to Tara who was standing not too far away, eaves dropping of course.

"Ooh have you got a little date with the sheriff?" she teased.

"Yes, yes I think I do!" you laughed.

One of the things you were most grateful for in this world was the decision you and Tara made to join Rick and leave the governor. You never expected to be having dinner with the man at that point.

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