Step 30: Here We Go... Again.

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Calling all the people in Team Dylan and Team Kevin!


"Then we'll have a test on Friday." Our subsitute explained.

I raised my hand. "We don't have school friday."

"Oh right." He thought.

Mr. Main was out, he got hurt in wood shop, almost died.

"Oh come on Selena!" "Thanks a lot Selena." "Gee thanks Selena." "Way to go Selena!" "Really Selena?!"

Gee thanks guys I can see you guys are so respectful to the sub. These people included Dylan and Kevin who was giving me a really dirty look. Rude!

* * *

Rethinking what happened last hour made me blush.

I was in english and I had had my hand up for at least ten minutes. Then the teacher has the nerve to say, "Kevin because he's had his hand up the longest." I scoffed the loudest I ever had without even meaning to.

"It's okay Selena just let your man go first." Heather teased. I glared at her. "I hate you."

She just laughed.

I sat in math, flipping through my papers. So far so good.

Kevin was making his way near to grab a book.

But instead, he halted at my spot and put a hand down on my papers.

I looked up at him and clenched my jaw.

He wasn't seriously about to start a new fight with me.

Right before I said, "What do you want? To pick another fight, because I'm not in the mood for it."

He said, "Selena. I'm sorry for being so mean to you," He had a look on his face which was his version of the puppy dog eyes. "and I'm appologizing."

I heard aweing beind me.

I was literally dumbfounded. Was this life? Was I daydreaming? What?

He stuck his hand out.

I couldn't say anything because so many thoughts were running through my mind.

I took his hand and he smiled a weird smile that he had had on and walked away.

Did I metioned that it bothered me that when we shook hands I felt nothing? Yet he can simply put his hand on my arm and it can sent all the heat in my body there.

So it was a bit of a dissappointment.

"I can't believe that happened." I shook my head.

"Dude you know, you guys are actually kind of cute." Lauren smiled.

"What?" I laughed.

"Yeah. Like now that I look at it you guys kinda are. I can like see you two getting together in the future." She looked between us both multiple times.

"Seriously?" I would be lying if I said I wasn't fighting the smile on my face.

"Yeah. Like you guys would be cute. Like don't you think he's cute?" She asked.

"His personality outweighs his looks." I retorted.

This sent her and our other partner Kenna laughing. Lauren and Kenna were actually not bad girls. They were really funny and nice.

"He is hot I mean, damn." Kenna agreed.

"But dude don't you think he's hot?" Lauren asked me.

"I guess." I shrugged.

Enemies with Benefits: Freshman in TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now