In the End, You Will Always Kneel.

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When my surroundings solidified again, we were at the top of Stark Tower. All around me, I watched the battle between the SHIELD agents in their Quinjets and the Chitauri with their Levithians. It was a completely one-sided thing. The Chitauri were destroying SHIELD, shooting them out of the sky like a hunter shoots at birds.

“Look around you,” Loki spat. “This is all your doing! Watch your people die!” He threw me to the ground and used his scepter to cut down a hoverjet. He continued shooting things down like they were insects. While this was going on, I heard a small noise like a whisper.

“Kathryn,” it said.

“Who… who’s there?” I rasped. My body was weak and broken from the rough housing and the rape. I had no more strength left in my body, and I had the stamina of a goddess.

“It’s me. Tessa,” whispered the voice. “I am here to help you.”

With greatest effort, I turned my head to the side. No one was there. “Where are you?”

“Here,” she said. Her voice was inches from my ear but I couldn’t see her. “My body is absent but my mind is all around you. Where there is energy, there is Tessa.”

“Help,” I whispered.

She gave a slight chuckle and I felt a slight vibration all over my body. My tattered, silver dress changed into my blue, flamed catsuit. “Here is your suit. You will need it to take on the one you love. Next, I shall make you stronger.” Another vibration went through my body. When it waned, I felt completely rejuvenated. I felt ready to take on the world.

“Great job, Tessa. What about my chains?”

The girl chuckled. Suddenly, the chains sprang open of their own accord. Loki heard the noise and spun around. “No,” he breathed. “Impossible!”

I stood, laughing at him all the while, and ignited my hands. “It’s go time, you Frost Giant bastard. Now we’ll see which is more powerful: fire or ice.”

“So be it,” Loki growled, creating a dagger of ice in his right hand. “Come at me, you whore!”

“As I recall, it was you who came to me,” I said cheekily. “I may be a woman and I may be pregnant, but I can still kick your ass.”

“Is that a challenge?” he grinned.

“A promise,” I corrected.

Loki lunged at me, slashing wildly at me with his knife. I used large, sweeping lines of flames to melt his blades before they even touched my body. Growing ever angrier, Loki took up his scepter and started trying to blast me with it. I dodged it with ease. Despite my bloated middle, I still had the agility of a cat. I somersaulted out of the way, glad that Patsy had been helping me with martial arts, and Clint with circus gymnastics. It came in extremely useful in battle.

The fight lasted for about thirty minutes. Suddenly, Loki paused. “I wonder where Jacob is,” he mused. “He should be here by now.” The god began to pace around the balcony with a sly smile on his face. “He’s here. Shall I give him a monologue?”

I grinned and started to compress air into a bullet the size of a fifty caliber round. I knew just how to get Loki. Unfortunately, I couldn’t bring myself to kill him yet. “There’s no one here, Loki,” I laughed like a madwoman. “Just you, me, and my baby.”

“You mean my baby?” Loki laughed. “Without me, that thing wouldn’t exist. I care not whose child she is! Don’t you see? I saved your life. That child is rightfully mine because if it weren’t for me, you would never have met Jacob. It’s possible that his genetic material resides in its body, but it is still my child because I created it.”

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