Of Water and Wine

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Kathryn's POV

I began to cry. My mind was clouded from Loki's so I couldn't see what he was thinking about, but I could tell he was in pain. And why was he clutching a switchblade? "Loki!" I cried. "Loki please look at me!" My touch did not phase him. He began to plead with an unknown force. 

"No!" he moaned. "I can't do that to her. Please don't make me!" he begged. "Please." His beautiful green eyes were wet and blood trickled down his chin from a nosebleed. "Please master."

"Loki," I whispered. He was arguing with his master! I tried as hard as I could to get into his mind, but lead walls were blocking me out as if I were radiation. I could not get in mo matter how I tried.

"Why is that so important to you," he groaned, wincing as fresh pain ripped through his body. And then he relaxed. His muscles became limp and he fell, lifeless, to the floor. 

"Loki," I whispered. "Loki, wake up!" I grabbed a towel out of the bathroom and began to dab at the blood on his face. In a few moments, he came groggily back to life. "Loki!" I cried. He pulled me to his body, and we embraced on the floor. We were both just crying and holding one another, and I realized just how terrified he'd been. How afraid I'd been. I had never seen him like this. Most times when the curse took over his body, he didn't fight. He just turned into a holy terror. I was flattered that he'd learned to fight. But then again, it sounded like his master had been threatening me, and Loki was not going to let that happen, no matter his mental state. I was too important to him now.

He pulled us to our feet, but never let me go; rather, he held me tighter. I embraced him back, feeling the mysterious heat inside me burst out to the surface until I burst into flame. Loki retracted, but was not burned. My clothes began to burn and char, but I wasn't burned myself. I didn't know why I began to flame, but the heat told me to and I did. Next, I took water from the air around me and condensed it into a liquid, swirling it around my now naked body like a fine, silky ribbon, and molding it into a gown of silver liquid. The heat told me to. 

Loki's eyes grew wide. I could see the lust sparkling in their depths. "What are you doing?" he asked. 

"Expressing my relief that you're okay," I whispered, walking toward him. My gown of silvery water rippled as I walked.It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever worn in my life, including the gold dress from Alfheim. Loki took me in his arms again, his hands sinking through the water and finding my bare back. His hands caressed the soft skin. "Loki," I whispered.

"Kathryn," he whispered back. His eyes were smoldering. Suddenly the heat withdrew, and I began to wonder why exactly I was wearing water. Loki too looked like he was just waking up, He blinked slowly and let me go. He had water all down his front. I laughed, going into my closet to change clothes. Loki made a move to follow me, but I locked the door with a click. What the hell was happening to me? Why couldn't I control my own body anymore? It was all so weird. I sighed, letting the water evaporate with a small hiss. On top of all this drama crap, I had to spend the entire day with Jacob. Steve would be there, so Jacob couldn't try anything, but it would be awkward just the same. Not when I was thinking about those huge, perfectly chiseled muscles. Ugh! shut up, Kathryn! I yelled to myself. You are so not going there!

And I wasn't. But not even a blind person could deny the sexiness of the Rogers twins. That was another thing. Everyone had taken to calling Steve and Jacob twins, even though they were clones. It made things easier on Steve, who was having a hard time coping with his exact copy sleeping in the same apartment with him, talking like him, and being a super soldier like him. It helped, though, that their personalities were so different. Jacob was an arrogant, pompous playboy not unlike Tony. In fact, he and Tony were friends, whereas Tony and Steve hated each other. In fact, strictly speaking, I preferred Steve's personality. He wasn't pushy or sarcastic, and he wouldn't ever take advantage of a drunk woman. Or even allow said woman to get drunk in the first place. 

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