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Thor's POV

I lay in my room in my Midgardian clothes with my iPhone  5 in my hand. I was playing Words With Friends with Jane, who was back in New Mexico.

I had been trying to sleep, but it would not come. Ever since we had gone to that jousting ring in New York, I had been wondering about myself. I missed home. I missed Asgard, the shining golden city of my youth. It had been months since I was there. Loki and I had come straight from the war on Vanaheim to Midgard without going home first. After being in an active war zone for so long, Midgard had seemed like a peaceful garden filled with cherry blossoms. But now, as I lay here, I found myself thinking of it. It called me like the voice of a siren. However, it aroused a few doubts as well.

I would miss the people here, who were perhaps the best people to walk into my life as of late. The Warriors Three and I had known each other since childhood. That was different. The people here on Midgard were also my comrades in arms, but they were smart as well. I loved them more dearly than any of my friends back home. However, I wondered if I was becoming too Midgardian.

Look at you, my mind hissed. You're wearing their clothes, using their technology, and sleeping with one of their women. You are like a human with godly powers. Shame on you. First you almost kill the love of your brother's life, and then you turn your back on your home. Shame on you, Thor Odinson. Shame on you.

"Argh," I hissed, reaching for my TV and turning on Vikings. But the show had no bearing for me anymore. It was Midgardian like everything else in this realm. Angrily, I summoned Mjolnir into my hands and smashed the TV. The raw outpouring of emotions were racing through my body was too much. I let out a loud, agonized yell and proceeded to smash everything in sight, from my bed to my iPhone to my laptop to my nightstand. Walking to my closet, I ripped off the Midgardian clothes I had been wearing and slid into my battle armor.

Then I heard her voice. "Master," she whispered. "No." I had been trying to put Kathryn out of my mind since that day in the hospital when I remembered how I almost killed her. The guilt was crushing me, weighing its way into my mind each and every moment. To think I had almost killed someone as smart and kind and beautiful as Kathryn was horrible. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" her mind cried.

Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. I flung open the door to my room and raced down the passageway, bursting into Dr. Banner's lab and taking the Agent Romanoff by the throat. "Where is she," I hissed. "I know you know."

"In... in the... detention center," she hissed. I dropped her, leaving her to fall to her knees, gasping and messaging her neck.

I ran the other way, up two flights of stairs and through uncountable doors until I reached the place where her cries came from. Outside the door stood the Hawk, who was standing outside, twiddling his thumbs. "You bastard," I hissed. "Do you not see that she is in trouble? Do you not hear her screams?"

His face went white. "The room is soundproof-" he began before I crashed through the door and found Kathryn sitting hunched on the floor muttering away in Norwegian. "Forlate meg, master. Forlate meg. Jeg ber deg." She was crying into her hands and rocking back and forth while an unconscious Jacob lay on the floor. "Vaer sa snill, master. Vaer sa snill." (First Translation: leave me, master. Leave me. I beg you. Second Translation: Please, master. Please.)

I picked her up by the shoulders and shook her back and forth violently until her eyes focused onto mine. "Thor," she whispered. Then her body went limp.


Kathryn's POV

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