Flames and Puke

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A/N: To clarify, all the Agents of SHIELD cameos in this chapter have happened further along in the timeline than what’s shown on the show. This is a couple of dozen missions after they found that Hydra thing last Tuesday.

And BTW, there's a picture of Sleipnir to the side.

“Fury, give me a jet right now!” Clint barked in the black man’s face. “I have to go to him! That’s my goddamned son!”

“You don’t know that,” Fury said calmly. “I can’t give you a hoverjet because you lack a crew to go with you, and you have no copilot.”

“I’ll go with him,” I protested.

Clint looked at me thankfully. “See?”

Fury shook his head. “Can you fly a jet, Kathryn?”

There was a sinking feeling in my heart as I looked away. “No,” I whispered.

“She can’t, but I can,” said a woman’s voice. I turned around to see Melinda May standing there with her hands on her hips. “If he wants to go, let him go. I’ll copilot his goddamned jet.”

Fury sighed. “You lack a crew.”

“He has me!” I protested. “I’m pretty lethal.”

“Yes, but you’re going to need more than one person to go with you,” Fury refuted. “Agent May doesn’t like combat.”

“I can help there,” said another voice. I turned around to find a girl standing there. She had long, wavy, brown hair and caramel-brown eyes. She was of medium height, and she looked to be young. No older than me, for sure. She didn’t wear agent clothing, but regular jeans and a shirt. She looked out of place here, among all the action of rushing agents and shouting voices and fear.

“Skye, you don’t have enough experience to help here,” Fury growled. “I’ll be speaking to your supervisor. We made you a level seven because we thought you would be a good technology consultant, not because of your battle skills.”

“But Agent Ward has been teaching me a few things,” she protested. “I’m getting quite good.”

“These are mutants, Skye,” Agent May added. “I don’t think it’s a good idea either.”

No one saw the girl’s credit except me. I could tell by her strong, sinewy muscles that she had been training like she said. My hand formed a dagger of ice from mid-air and I held it up. “Disarm me,” I said. “If you can do it, Fury will think twice about denying you this mission.”

“There is no mission!” Fury yelled. “If you guys want to go gallivanting after this kid who may or may not be Clint’s son, go ahead! But he’s one of the Brotherhood. If you end up bringing him back in one piece, he’s going to be subject to whatever medical care he needs, and then he’ll be locked in a cell.”

“I’ll take that,” Clint said. “You can come, Skye, but if we don’t need you, you stay in the damned hoverjet. Our supervisor tells me things about you. He says you’re headstrong. If we have any more problems, you won’t be coming on any more missions. May, thanks for the help. I owe you one.”

Agent May,” she growled.

I shrugged. “Potato, pototo (A/N: I think that’s how you spell it). But we need more people than just me if the other two don’t plan to go on the defense. We’ll need at last two more.”

“You forget about us?” asked Hela from behind me. I whirled around, and she stood there with Nari and Sleipnir. As much as I wanted to take the horse, I knew he could never come. It would put him in danger. But I needed Hela and Nari. Hela’s fire would calm the boy down if he tried to escape since they shared powers, and Nari’s magic and logic would help. Plus, he wore his Asgardian armor. The stuff was literally indestructible. “Okay,” I said. “We’ll need you guys. Sleipnir, I need you to stay here for me.”

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