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Thick trees hugged close to one another, their silent movements were only stirred louder by the light breeze that snuck through. A deep clay red path worn from use snaked thought, clumping trees together before darting a different direction. Home to many who saw fit to use such a trail, Ember was not one of them. Her rescuer who went by the name of Len had told her the implications of using such a worn down path.

Len was a broad man with thick hair and matching eyebrows, he didn’t speak much...but when he voiced you listened. Dark tanned skin covered what you could see of man like flesh, but it was his eyes that spoke to Ember. They were rich with the greens of the earth, dancing like so many fairies she’d come across. So many creatures resided in this forest-her forest. Born of a human mother Ember was giving power to which strapped around her body like a wet blanket, Len had perfected her skills in using such a rare gift.

Though the red markings that caused so many to take a step back, Ember didn’t understand what she was. Though half human the powers of Len who was born of Fae resided inside her body, but that was not what troubled Ember. Something darker-dangerous- lurked down in the pit of her stomach. She could feel it, sense its dwelling but never anymore then that.

Ember had asked Len many times what she was but to no answer he gave her, a shrug or nod was all that would pass the mans expression. She grew tired of asked and started seeking out answers for herself, ones that could feel the void in her heart. With every passing day it grew, causing her thoughts to drift around like the coming snow fall.

Living in the forest had proved to sharpen her mind and body, with all the darkness lurking at every bend it wasn’t safe to venture around. Len gave her the necessary skill in battle, her boots were worn in to good wear while the tight hide laced around her legs. A simple cover for her breasts was only there to comfort Len, he’d brought her to town once which was to much for her senses. Loud noises from bustling people caused her ears to burn, then there was all those smells which clogged every pore.

Ember had only been able to tolerate a few hours of town, in which she managed to cause a traffic accident along with a fight. Len had to use his magic controlling the issues at hand, something Ember loved to watch. His glamour was impressive as far as she was concerned, he’d always kept its usage to a minimum. Saying the over use of ones power is wasteful, along with distasteful.

    “You do not need to show off” He told her one day when she’d asked why he didn’t show her tricks, he’d not been mad when she asked her numerous questions. Instead he patted her head like a child answering one or two of the many, the pat on the head never bothered Ember as it was almost the only affection she received.

On her own for the time being Ember gripped the high branch she’d perched herself on, scanning the forest floor watching a black Jaguar slipped into a darker part. He’d be no issue for Ember human creatures were not something that caused her problems, it was the more menacing creatures she worried about.

Even thought Ember was of power she didn’t go looking for fights, she’d much rather meander around her forest watching the wildlife. But today had been different a new creature had entered her borders, it seemed to move rather quickly for its larger size. Ember had gotten a glimpse of it once but nothing more, black fur covered every inch of the being make him blend into her surroundings.

Through the power Ember had impeccable night vision leaving no opening for mistakes, her eyes reflected the light as they hummed a light hazel color. When seen in the light they almost looked like a stone called tiger’s eye, the glassy finish seemed to draw men to her side. Len had never explained to her why, but she could see his jaw click when one would approach her.

Many offers to wed had come to Ember throughout her years, even as a small child men had asked Len for her head to no veil though. Len refused all offers even more from a Prince, which Ember had never found out of what. When she had asked why the men kept coming Len simply replied in a draft answer.

    “Ye are special” She’d pushed the topic more, but he growled at her before stalking off. That was the thing with Len he didn’t like being told what to do, and most certainly didn’t like being asked the same question more then once.

Shifting her weight Ember’s hand instinctively went to her blades, they were only weapon and they were well cared for. The silver hilt was hidden under her leggings as to not catch the little rays of light, giving away ones position wasn’t wise in this forest. The rustling of bushes gave way to a large buck, his antlers pointed in every direction. Standing tall in the pathway his ears swiveled around picking up any sounds that were a danger to him, the white of his tail flickered before he darted back into the thicket.

Growing tired of the lack of entertainment Ember huffed, she’d come out here earlier to get answers. That creature had seemed to almost vanish into thin air, but that wasn’t the only reason she’d could out here at such dank hours. Ember was waiting for a woman to which had knowledge of the world, she was older then the earth and could give you answers.

Leaning her hand against the rough dark bark of the tree Ember moved her other hand to the locket the slung around her neck. Len had mentioned returning to the barn in which she was born from, he’d noticed a golden object in the corner. Covered in her mothers blood he brought it back with him, it was given to her when Ember was old enough to understand its significance.

Three pictures were inside one being of her which happened to be the center, the left was of her mother with her golden hair looked perfect was it hung around her neck. The bright of her blue eyes seemed to follow you where ever you looked, a light smile on her perfect petal lips was all Ember seemed to stair at. To the right was a dark looking man with equally dark hair, his eyes a dark brown pulled you in locking your heart.

Ember had thought that he may have perhaps been her father, but with no more information except his appearance she gave up. Small as it was the locket gave her hope in something distant, finding a shred of evidence that her father was alive and well was all she wanted. A snapping of a twig caught Ember’s attention as she slipped the locket back between her breasts, it was her only love besides Len.

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