7.Unexpected sight

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I looked at the blue haired boy in front of me. "Who are you?" He asked again. "Why're you asking?" I stood up as I pressed my hand against the wound on my side. "I... I need to go" I said as I attempted to run off but the boy grabbed my left wrist, making me unable to run away. I looked back at him but couldn't see his expression behind the mask. "What are you doing, let go of-" He then tighten his grip around my wrist. "Why did you help me? We don't know each other." He said, I could tell that he was serious even though I couldn't see his face. "I actually dont know... The fight just seemed unfair." He then looked down, tilting his head as he let go of my wrist slightly. "And you remind me of someone..." I then saw my chance as he stared at my wrist, so pulled my wrist free from his grip before running off while waving goodbye. I know he was confused by my answer but he really did remind me of Touka.

I'd removed my mask and stopped running, walking on the sidewalk when a familiar scent filled my nose. "Nishiki" I said with a smile as I walked in the direction of the smell but the closer I got the more my eyes widened. I didn't only smell Nishiki. His scent was overpowered by the smell of blood. I then started running.

When I arrived to where the smell came from I fell to my knees. There was blood everywhere, and not human blood, it was Nishiki's. Nishiki was hanging by his head from a small platform looking thing by the roof and his stomach had a big hole in it. "Nishiki!" I yelled before I started to cry. I released my bikaku to lift him down. when he was down from there and I saw the damage I couldn't take it. "Nishiki, wake up!" He was unconscious and the flesh on his cheek was gone. I started shaking his shoulders in an attempt to wake him up. "Nishiki please, you're the only family I have left!" The tears streamed down my cheeks and onto his chest. I then put my head on his chest and started crying even harder."W-Why aren't you waking up!?" I sobbed.

"Because I don't felt like it." I lifted my head from his chest, looking at the now conscious Nishiki. I hugged him tightly but I soon stopped when he groaned in pain. I looked at his stomach with wide eyes and then at his face. "What happened?" I held my hands up in front of my moth as I looked at his wound. "Nothing." He said as he tried to stand up. "No, I'll help you." I stood up and gave Nishiki a hand. "What about you, what happened to you?" My eyes widen slightly at Nishiki's question before I understood what he was talking about. "Nothing to worry about, it's almost fully healed."I said as I looked at my side, he then nodded before we continued to walk. He was cold, really cold. I should hurry up.

"Do you still live alone or is there a woman in your life?" I said, trying to keep him awake as we walked. My question caused Nishiki to blush a bit, making my face to light up. "Oh, so what's her name?" I said as I smiled. "Kimi..." He said as he avoided my gaze. "Kimi" I mumbled, thinking slightly. "I like that name." I said while giving Nishiki a closed eyed smile. "Whatever. We're here." He said when we were outside the door to his house. I knocked on the door, waiting for his girlfriend to open. "I'm coming" I heard her yell and a few seconds later she opened the door.

"What happened?!" She looked at Nishiki in fear and then at me in anger. "Did you do this!?" It looked like she would slap me any moment. "No Kimi, she helped me." Nishiki quickly said. "(Y/n)" I smiled at Kimi. "Oh, t-that (Y/n)?" She said while looking at Nishiki with wide eyes, only for him to nod. "I'm sorry for yelling, I'm Kimi." She said with a faint blush on her cheeks. "It's okay" I said with a smile on my lips.

"He'll need to rest" I said as I handed Nishiki over to Kimi. "Thank you." Nishiki said as he leaned onto Kimi's shoulder. I then waved goodbye before I ran off.

I hurried over to Anteiku, I had to ask if they knew who did that to Nishiki. I opened the door, seeing Touka stand by a table. Her mouth twisted itself into a smile when she saw me. "(Y/n)!" She greeted when she made her way to me. "Hi Touka." I waved. "Where is Yoshimura?" Touka's eyes widened for a second before they returned to normal "He's upstairs with someone." She said calmly. "Okay, Thanks!" I made my way to the second floor.

My eyes widened when I saw Kaneki and Yoshimura talking by a door. "Hello Kaneki." I greeted the black haired boy with a smile. "Oh, (Y/n). Hi." He said, smiling. I couldn't help but to feel a bit happy to see his face, I always felt happy to be around him. I then looked at Yoshimra. "I need to talk to you. A friend of mine got badly injured today and I'd like to know if you knew something." I said and I felt Kaneki's curious gaze at me. "Okay, can you tell me who it was?" The old man asked with a serious face. "His name is Nishiki." My words caused Kaneki's eyes to widened. I looked at him in curiosity and he avoided my gaze. I looked at Yoshimura and his face showed a bit of shock as well.

"What?" I asked when both of the males had been quiet for a while. "Why aren't you saying anything?" I was starting to get irritated. "I injured him..." Kaneki said wich caused my eyes to widen "He attacked me and my friend and I couldn't let him kill my friend" He looked at me as if saying 'I'm sorry'

I looked at Kaneki with shock. He almost killed Nishiki?

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